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day 1

"is that yunseong's new boyfriend?"

"it's that clingy junior. can't believe he's actually dating him"

"he's so ugly. he doesn't deserve to be next to yunseong"

donghyun felt shy hearing those words. he didn't think he'd get that much attention just by holding yunseong's hand. it made him feel— embarrassed. he shouldn't be standing next to yunseong. he didn't deserve to.

yunseong looked down at the sulking donghyun and frowned. he turned at the girl that just called him ugly and glared at her, "what did you just say?"

the girl became flustered, "n-nothing"

"that wasn't what i heard" yunseong said, gripping onto donghyun's hand tightly, "don't you dare call him ugly. you should take a look in the mirror first before calling my boyfriend ugly"

the girl quickly scurried away with her friend. donghyun tugged on yunseong's hand, "y-you didn't have to do that"

yunseong smiled, "my boyfriend was sad. i don't want to see him sad" he placed a kiss on donghyun's cheek.

donghyun's cheeks immediately flushed red, "s-stop doing that"

"doing what?" yunseong asked.

"making my heart b-beat so fast"

yunseong smiled, "thats my job baby. now let's go to class before you're late"

this was the first time donghyun wasn't following yunseong to his class. instead, yunseong was taking him to class. that's how donghyun came to his physics class with a red face.

"i'll see you later baby" yunseong winked, ruffling donghyun's hair. he waited until donghyun got into the classroom before he left.

"wow you really are doing the dare huh?" seungyoun asked, catching up to yunseong, "aren't you scared you'll have to break his heart at the end?"

yunseong just smiled. he might as well enjoy the moment rather than think about the dare. he'll figure out a way to break up with donghyun at the end anyways. maybe he'll even ask the boy to date him again.

"not at all" yunseong replied, walking into his calculus class. seungyoun raised his eyebrow in confusion. yunseong clearly looked like he fell for donghyun, didn't he?

"that's mine yunseong!" donghyun leaned over yunseong's body to get his phone, "give it back!"

yunseong chuckled, keeping the phone out of the younger's reach, "are you already cheating on me?"

"of course not! don't be ridiculous!" donghyun pouted. he cursed at his short limbs.

"is that so?" yunseong asked, looking at what's on donghyun's phone screen, "is this a picture of bae jinyoung?"

donghyun's cheeks flushed red, "i-it is"

"shouldn't i be on you lock screen? you're not dating jinyoung are you?" yunseong frowned.

donghyun smiled, "are you jealous?"

yunseong huffed, crossing his arms, "of course not!"

"don't worry seongie! jinyoungie hyung is just my role model" donghyun assured, placing a kiss on yunseong's nose. he took this chance to snatch back his phone.

yunseong pouted, "he better be"

tons of things have changed after the numerous amount of dates him and donghyun have gone on. yunseong was much more delicate and careful around the junior. he's also gotten more jealous whenever donghyun laughed or smiled at another senior and he didn't know why.

"it's called love you headass" yohan said, rolling his eyes, "you're in love with donghyun"

"i am not in love with him" yunseong denied.

"keep saying that" yohan sighed, "you clearly treat him better than anyone you've dated before"

"it's just for the dare" yunseong mumbled.

"it's only day one and you got jealous you dumbass. you also kissed his cheeks countless of times today! tell me that's not love"

"it's not love" okay maybe yunseong lied. maybe.


a/n :: happy birthday to our petit yunseong! also, i miss woojin :(



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i can't believe i'm already planning a sequel/prequel for this book and my dumbass can't think of new ideas to start a new fic. my brain is so d r y.

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