twenty three.

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continued . . .

yunseong waited on the hospital bed, playing random games on his phone and texting back his parents and his friends. he felt like shit. staying in bed all day was boring and he had no one to talk to. changyeob had left earlier and went on a date with this crush of his he talked to yunseong about.

he was learning way too many things after waking up. its only been a day and his idiotic group of friends were just telling him a bunch of things that his brain can't even comprehend. one thing was for sure though— he wanted donghyun to come visit him.

if he wasn't tied up to this single wire and his injuries didn't hurt like shit, he would've ran out of the hospital and tried to find donghyun already. he wasn't sure if the boy was alright. he hasn't seen him ever since yesterday. his boyfriend instincts were kicking in, even if he knew nothing about the him.

"hmph" yunseong crossed his arms, throwing his phone onto the side table, "donghyun. donghyun. donghyun. that's all i even think about these days and i don't even know him! he's not even here—"

as if god was on his side, for once, the door of his room opened and the person who he had just called out appeared by the doorway. yunseong's face immediately brightened. a smile shined on his face upon seeing the cute boy again.

"donghyunnie" yunseong warmly smiled at the boy, watching him pull up a chair to sit right next to him. he wasn't even aware that he called donghyun that. it just slipped out of his mouth.

"h-how are you?" donghyun asked, sitting down and handing the bouquet of flowers that was in his hands. he had gotten it from a flower shop nearby while walking to the hospital. after crying his eyes out and having no tears left, he decided to come back and visit. yunseong was his boyfriend, afterall, "i-i got you some flowers"

yunseong patted the smaller's head, running his hand through the soft hair like he did when he first woke up and saw the boy. with a beam on his face, he replied, "thank you cutie" he put the bouquet on the other side of the bed so he could see the boy better, "i'm feeling fine, just some headaches here and there but for the most part, i feel great now that you're here" he winked, making donghyun look away with red tinted cheeks. yunseong really was the same old flirt.

"do you still have a headache?" donghyun asked with those cute doe eyes of his on his face, "should i go get you some painkillers?"

yunseong shook his head before donghyun could get up and leave him alone again, "it's only sometimes. i guess it's a part of me remembering things. there's these faint images in my head of memories i think"

donghyun smiled. maybe yunseong could remember everything they did together. maybe everything will be alright. the pair spent the rest of their time talking. yunseong would discuss what flashed back into his mind when he had those headaches and donghyun would listen, smiling at the memories that yunseong was able to recall, occasionally telling him more about it. though, he was careful not to tell him too much that his headache would come back again.

"changyeob stopped by too" yunseong said, laying back onto the bed. donghyun raised an eyebrow, but then realized that yunseong had forgotten who changyeob was back then.

"what'd he say?" donghyun asked, curiously looking at the older. aside from the stitches that were sown on yunseong's forehead, his face still looked the same— still beautiful, still handsome.

"—and how you're my boyfriend" donghyun only happened to catch the ending part of what yunseong said and his eyes widened. he didn't think changyeob would actually tell yunseong that. he wasn't a bad guy after all. was changyeob trying to stitch back their relationship?

"why are you looking at me like that?" yunseong asked, chuckling at the younger's shocked expression, "was he not supposed to tell me that?"

donghyun shook his head, a smile reappearing on his face, "its just that i never thought changyeob would tell you that"

yunseong continued, "he also told me about the dare and how all of this happened. looking back at it, my past self should've just told you about it so you wouldn't get hurt" he smiled apologetically, "i was so dumb and stupid" he looked down at the white bedsheets that were all wrinkled up, "maybe if i did then all of this would've been avoided"

donghyun fiddled with his fingers, "its not only you fault" yunseong looked at the boy, "if i wasn't so dumb and stood in the middle of the road when it was a red light then this wouldn't have happened" he felt a hand pat the top of his fluffy head. he looked up to see yunseong smiling at him.

"we can't turn back time and fix our mistakes" yunseong paused, pinching the boy's cheek, "but we can make up for it" donghyun smiled from ear to ear, heart racing from what yunseong said. did he want to restart?

unsure of what yunseong meant, he asked, "w-what do you mean by that?"

yunseong chuckled, moving over so that donghyun could sit on the bed rather than the uncomfortable chair. donghyun obliged, eyebrows furrowed not knowing what yunseong was planning on doing, "i mean— when i get discharged from the hospital, i'm going to take you on dates and make new memories with you. whether i regain those old memories or not, i want to fall in love with you again" the older looked at donghyun with loving eyes. donghyun totally did not get mesmerized into those brown orbs of his.

"i'd love that!" donghyun exclaimed, sparkles almost appearing in his eyes. his excitement was stopped with a frown. he was sure that yunseong wouldn't be interested in him anymore, "what made you decide all of this?"

"if i saved your life, then i must've loved you a lot, right? i want to remember why i loved you"


a/n :: i made new covers uwu

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