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day 24

"you don't put milk before the cereal!"

"it doesn't matter! as long as you still have a good bowl of cereal!"

"but its wrong!"

"can you two shut up?" yohan asked, trying to eat his cereal in peace, "stop having such a useless argument about milk and cereal"

"its not useless!" the couple exclaimed, crossing their arms.

yohan rolled his eyes, "just eat your cereal jesus christ"

third wheeling the hwanggeum couple was no fun for yohan. he decided to sleep over at yunseong's place and rant to him about his big fat crush on yuvin, but he didn't know that yunseong invited donghyun over too.

"but if you put the milk last then the cereal will get soggy!"

that's when yohan had enough of it and left to go to school first. god he wondered how long the couple was going to have such a useless argument.

"yohan!" a familiar voice called his name out as he reached the school. his head whipped around to see yuvin calling him.

yohan smiled ever so shyly, "w-what're you doing here so early?"

"nothing really. seungyoun called me here early to tell me about how adorable hangyul is" yuvin rolled his eyes.

"that's not as bad as third wheeling yunseong and donghyun and their idiotic argument about whether you put the milk in first or the cereal first" yohan sighed, walking into the school with yuvin.

yuvin giggled. oh was that music to yohan's ears, "guess you and i are in the same place then"

yohan's ears turned red when yuvin found his hand and laced their fingers together. he looked down and saw his hand fitted perfectly into the other's.

"speaking of third wheeling, i heard you had a big fat crush on me?" shit.

"come on babe don't ignore me!" yunseong whined, desperately trying to get his boyfriend's attention during their lunch period. he'd been hugging the boy's arm and giving him cute kisses but the boy was still mad at him since he put the milk first.

"hmph" donghyun looked away and started a conversation with someone else, rather than the clingy puppy next to him.

"are you guys still seriously mad at each other?" jinwoo giggled, "about a bowl of cereal?"

"i can't believe i'm dating someone who puts the milk first before the cereal!" donghyun exclaimed, rolling his eyes.

"hey! i'm not mad at him! i've already forgiven him!" yunseong pouted, making the cutest possible eyes he could to donghyun but the boy didn't even spare him a glance.

donghyun poked at his lunch, "its because you do it wrong dummy! i'm not going to spend the rest of my life putting milk first into the bowl!"

donghyun being the stubborn person he was, went to cling onto dohyon's shoulder and glare at yunseong who was being all whiny.

"go get your boyfriend back yunseong hyung! he's clinging onto mine!" jinwoo pouted, jealous of seeing his future boyfriend being embraced by someone else's boyfriend.

"i can't! it won't work no matter what i do!" yunseong complained. he, himself, couldn't even stand seeing his boyfriend hugging someone else's, "i just don't like my cereal getting all soggy babe! i'll put the milk in last next time i make cereal!"

well that worked since donghyun flew out of hugging dohyon's shoulder to hugging his boyfriend's, "thats better"

finally, their useless argument over cereal was over. thank god. jinwoo went back to sitting by dohyon's side and acting all cute and lovey dovey with the boy.

"are you, perhaps, jealous?" dohyon smirked, wrapping an arm around the boy.

"m-maybe" jinwoo muttered, heat rushing to his cheeks, "i-it's just because you only do those things to me and if i see you—"

dohyon pecked the boy's cheek, "don't be jealous", he pinched the boy's squishy cheek, "you're the only one in my eyes"

"stop with that cheesy stuff" jinwoo smacked the boy's chest, "jinhyuk hyung is going to kill you if he sees you flirting with me. you know he doesn't want me having a boyfriend until i go to college" the small boy pouted.

"i'll just have to wait until we graduate to ask you to become my boyfriend" dohyon whispered into the boy's ear, kissing the pout off the boy's face.

"is that another hickey donghyun?" his mother asked, eyeing the freshly made red mark on his neck.

"m-mom!" donghyun exclaimed, blushing.

his mother giggled, "looks like you two had some fun. it also looks like this boyfriend of yours loves you very much"

donghyun smiled, "of course he does! do you remember the crush that i told you about mom? that's him!"

"thats sweet honey"

"i love him mom" donghyun clutched his heart through his shirt, "so so much"


a/n :: shameless self promo but check out my fic 'KNOT. weishin/seungyul/yoyu'. its an omegaverse fic and i've never written one before so i really want to try it out!

question! — favorite sport?
answer! — i absolutely love volleyball.

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