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day 17

"how are things going with your boyfriend?" yohan asked, poking yunseong's arm during their basketball practice.

"fine" yunseong replied bluntly. actually things weren't fine— he was falling for donghyun more and more everyday. he could feel his face heat up when donghyun places a kiss on his cheek or even just cuddles closer to him. his heart was racing from just holding hands and donghyun's cute little pout.

on one of the days, they decided to go on a date and donghyun wore his oversized pink hoodie and yunseong couldn't stop staring. his boyfriend was so small, so adorable— so cute.

"uhhhh hello?? earth to yunseong?" yohan waved his hand in front of yunseong's face to snap him out of his thoughts, "are you okay?"

"y-yeah i'm fine" yunseong let out a long breath, "actually i'm not. yohan save me" yunseong hugged the older's arm and started to fake a sob.

"what the fuck—"

"why is he so adorable yohan? he makes my heart go dugeun dugeun dugeun like that annoying twice song you guys play. why? maybe i have high blood pressure—" yunseong gasped, "is donghyun trying to kill me? why does my face go red? maybe i have a fever. he's trying to kill me—"

yohan practically rolled his eyes, prying the other off of him, "calm your ass yunseong. if donghyun is trying to kill you with anything, its love. you're in love"

"me?! in love?! you're funny yohan. when did you get so funny?" yunseong faked a laugh, glaring at the taller.

yohan sighed, "can you not admit the fact that you're in love with him? your stubborn ass is telling me about your dilemmas with donghyun and you say you're not in love with him??"

yunseong's jaw dropped, "yohan what do i do oh my god— i'm falling. no no no this is not good"

yohan chuckled, "that sounds like a you problem" and with that, yohan left yunseong to go practice with his other team mates.

"shit shit shit" yunseong smacked himself on the cheek, "you can't be falling. stop falling"

fuck he can't stop falling.

"jinhyuk hyung i am fucked" yunseong had to interrupt jinhyuk and wooseok's make out session by their lockers to complain to him. who doesn't need a helpful hyung like jinhyuk?

"this better be important or i'm going to beat your ass for interrupting us" jinhyuk said, holding up his fist as a threat, "hold on did donghyun fuck you or something— i thought he was a bottom. could playboy hwang yunseong secretly be a bottom?" jinhyuk gasped.

yunseong shook his head, "no hyung! i'm fucked because i'm falling!"

jinhyuk raised an eyebrow in confusion, "you don't look like you're falling"

"i mean i'm falling for donghyun. i'm falling for my own boyfriend for a month" yunseong exclaimed.

jinhyuk's mouth turned into an 'o' shape. he tapped his finger on his chin, not really seeing where the problem is.

"i don't really see an issue here" jinhyuk shrugged.

"the problem is i'm supposed to break up with him at the end of this month and look at who's falling for him!" yunseong panicked.



"just continue to date him then after one month" jinhyuk said.

"but i can't! the dare, remember?" yunseong exclaimed.

jinhyuk nodded, "well that sucks doesn't it. just give up on the dare then"

"i can't show wooseok i'm a pussy! besides i have to kiss kang minhee as an alternate option if i give up on the dare and i am not kissing him" yunseong muttered, crossing his arms.

"why not?"

yunseong exhaled, "kang minhee is my ex boyfriend"


a/n :: i'm seeing superm next week on tuesday and i can't wait! also! thank you for 1k uwu

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