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day 29

"get home safe babe" yunseong whispered in the boy's ear, placing a sweet kiss onto his pouty lips right after giving him a hug, "text me when you get home and call me if anything happens and—"

donghyun shushed yunseong, placing his finger onto yunseong's lips, "i get it seongie! its not like i'm going to get kidnapped on my way home" donghyun giggled.

"who knows?" yunseong asked, ruffling his boyfriend's hair, "my baby boy is the cutest person in the world and people could try to get their disgusting hands on him when i'm not around"

"like you don't get your hands on me" donghyun rolled his eyes at his dramatic boyfriend, "i'll be fine"

"first of all, my hands are not disgusting like theirs" yunseong crossed his arms, "and second, that changyeob dude better not be hanging around you when i'm not there"

donghyun smiled sweetly at his boyfriend, "don't worry seongie! wooseok hyung is waiting for you! you should go now!" donghyun pushed the older lightly into the other direction.

yunseong looked at wooseok who was leaning on the locker, turning around to see his boyfriend one last time, "i'll see you later baby" yunseong made sure that donghyun was out of sight before he walked with wooseok to go see his ex.

"so you're going to do it" wooseok said, looking at yunseong is disbelief, "never thought you'd fall in love with a boy that hard after what happened with minhee"

"i already said i'm willing to do anything for donghyun" yunseong sighed, rubbing the back of his nape, "that even means kissing my ex to end this stupid dare"

wooseok chuckled, "i heard you bought donghyun a three hundred dollar ticket to go see cix"

yunseong smiled, remembering how happy the boy was when he heard he was going to go see his favorite group, "of course i did. if thats what makes him happy" the pair made a turn around the corner, seeing minhee lean on top of yunseong's locker, scrolling on his phone.

minhee looked up from his phone, seeing yunseong and wooseok, "what took you guys so long?" he slipped his phone into his pocket.

"nothing" yunseong muttered. seeing the person he hated most really changed his personality. he couldn't believe he once dated the boy standing in front of him, "get off of my locker"

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