the night

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y/n was sitting on a roof at night just looking at the stars, but he wouldn't have time for that much longer

                                        *third-person pov*

y/n: it's getting late so I should probably head home 

y/n sees 4 men walk into a dust shop, in suits

y/n: no normal person is wearing a suit to a dust shop at this time, I gotta check it out

y/n then sneaks closer to the dust shop and sees the robbery thats unfolding 

y/n: I've got nothing better to do so might as well help

y/n then jumps just in time to see one of the men get thrown out of a window but a girl in a red dress, the guy wearing a white suit comes out of the door with his goons behind him

????: huh red, looks like you brought friends

y/n doesn't waste a second and immediately slashes after the guy wearing white but he takes a step back just in time to dodge 

?????: how about we just calm down so my guards can kill you?

y/n: what are you expecting us to answer

????: I'm not sure but you can always hope

right after he says that he fires a shot from his cane towards y/n but y/n reacts in time and jumps out of the way. y/n then shoot fire out of his hand but the guy in the white dodges. then the red hooded girl comes out of nowhere after dealing with the other henchmen going at superhuman speed leaving red roses behind and tries to slash him but the guy in white dodges again and shoots a shot a red hitting her

????: while i'd love to stick around I'll be going now, see you around red and flame boy

he then throws a smoke bomb on the ground and disappears

y/n: WHERE DID HE GO????


y/n what are we waiting for? an invitation?

red: I guess not

y/n and red runs over to the ladder and climbs to the top just in time to see the white-coated man hopping on a bullhead, y/n immediately shoots ice crystals at the bullhead

????: get to the front ill fly

he says then a woman wearing a red dress comes out

y/n: whos that  *y/n wounders*

the lady makes a giant fireball and throws it at the two

y/n: OH NO *he says as the braces himself for the impact*

but nothing happens, y/n looks up and sees a familiar face...Glynda goodwitch. he looks over his head to see a shield. then Glynda starts hitting the bullhead repeatedly

lady in red dress: roman lets get out of here

roman: as you wish

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