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*y/n's pov*

y/n: it's finally time 

y/n thought to himself while standing on the platform ready to be launched into a forest of grimm trying to kill him, sounds a bit dumb when you think about it, you think as you chuckle to yourself  

ruby: you ready?

y/n: always 

you were then launched as the first one because well, ozpins son and all. you soon got closer to the ground but used your wind control to land nicely on the ground without much trouble

y/n: good landing if I have to say so myself  

you said to yourself while smiling 

y/n: I've waited for this day for years it feels like, now its time to show everyone how good i can be 

you then heard the sound of rustling leaves and growling  

y/n: its time *you say while smiling*

just as you get done saying that a group of 5 beowolves jump out from the bushes, one instantly tries to lunge at you but you step to the side and dodge while putting your sword in the side of the beowolfes head killing it, the other four all try the same but you easily dodge and kill all of them by shooting them with lightning bolts 

y/n: that wasn't hard at all 

y/n: guess ill go towards the temple 

you began making your way towards it while looking for anyone without a partner. after some time walking and bumping into ruby and weiss on the way. as you slowly emerge from the bushes you see yang blake on some of the others already there, then nora comes out of nowhere riding a grimm with ren not far behind her 

y/n: good entrance Nora *you say while laughing*

Nora: awww it broke 

ren: please don't do that again 

y/n: nora don't listen to him, do it again *you say smiling like a maniac* 

but before she could decide jaune and pyrrha come running through the forest with a death stalker right behind them 

jaune and pyrrha: HELPPPPPPP 

as soon as you hear that you rush towards it and use your air control to lift it up in the sky and throw it at a tree, but it, of course, gets up again, but to your horror, you hear the sound of a nevermore 

y/n: thats not good, thats really not good 

the nevermore finally shows itself and shoots feathers after all of us, but it doesn't hit anyone, just as you dodge the feathers a familiar sound is heard as the deathstalker gets up

rwby x chosen one male readerWhere stories live. Discover now