the road to salvation begins

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we've been sailing for an hour or two, nothing has really happened just a bit of chatting as a lot of people have never met each other before, i was just looking out at the horizon thinking about what i was actually about to do. like i was about to apparently try and destroy the grimm, still sounds dumb

ruby: earth to y/n

y/n: what im here

ruby: well you keep spacing out

y/n: oh it's nothing

ruby: oh and we're about to arrive

i look to my left to see that we were indeed about to arrive, the boat hits the shore with a thump and we all get off and take the supplies of the boat

y/n: now remember everyone, this place is really, really, really dangerous so we should all be careful

everyone: got it

y/n: well everyone grab some stuff and let's get going

we all take some stuff and put it in backpacks. we start walking through the forest because well, this journey is gonna have a lot of walking, like a lot



we walked for a couple of hours until it got like really really dark, we set up the tents we had, everyone had to sleep close together because a tent is pretty big and hard to have on a backpack. we chose lucas and william to have the first watch and we all go to bed. i couldn't sleep so i decide to go out and sit with them

william: weren't you supposed to be sleeping

y/n: i was but i can't

william: well come sit with us then

y/n: sure

i go over and sit beside them

y/n: so how's everything

william: a bit crazy

y/n: well we are sitting in the middle of very dangerous place while we're on our way to an even more dangerous place

lucas: it does sound very stupid

y/n: it also very much is

lucas: we could have gone back to vacuo

y/n: why didn't you?

lucas: well i need to uphold a promise

y/n: what would that be?

lucas: well i guess i gotta tell the story again. while still at shade me and my team including william were sent on a mission to rid some grimm from a village, we thought it would be an easy mission, i was far from an easy mission. when we arrived at the village it was already complete in ruins, we all jumped in to try and save the people still alive but there was just so many, we had to call an evac, when that evac arrived we were all completely drained of energy and it would be impossible for all of us to make it, so our two other teammates just told us to promise two things, one to just run and not to look back, and two to promise if we ever got an opportunity like this we would take it no questions asked. they both died saving us, so me and william vowed to keep that promise

y/n: im really sorry for your loss, i completely understand. and im gonna make sure you get to complete your promise no matter what

william: thanks man

we kept chatting until sunrise. everyone started waking up very slowly and packing everything we needed, after an hour everyone was ready to leave so we start walking again, we ran into some grimm but they were nothing of note



we just kept walking and killing the few grimm we met on the way, but i couldn't shake a feeling of unease the entire time. i just told myself that it was probably nothing. it was getting late again so we set up camp, liam and oliver were given first watch. surprisingly i could actually sleep, i was having a pretty normal dream until i was suddenly transported into a completely black void, i just kept hearing voices, they kept repeating "she cant be stopped, she cant be stopped" it kept getting louder and louder, then i was transported back to beacon, to right before pyrrha died, it just kept replaying, i couldn't take it any longer. i then just wake up in a cold sweat, i get out of the tent to see its almost sunrise

y/n: i really hope these dreams don't repeat *i said to myself*

this day was a little different, the grimm kept getting harder and harder with more and more showing up, i could tell we were getting closer. we continued on our journey until we reached the start of the mountains, those were gonna be difficult, i knew from the map i was given, that a couple destroyed villages that unsuspecting innocent people made were in here. we kept going and going until we reached the first village not too far into mountains. we decide to set up camp in there, i went over the map with qrow and the others to show that after the mountains were some forests then, we would get to the land of the grimm. we were all sitting around a camp fire just talking and joking around until it started snowing

y/n: that was the risk of going in the winter

jaune: why did we go in the winter

y/n: it's gonna get dark quicker when we get to grimm land where we aren't gonna be making any pit stops

jaune: wait we arent

y/n: no jaune *sigh*

we then hear a very weird sound, we all quickly grab our weapons just to see, blake, weiss, and yang come walking around the corner

y/n: how in the

yang: it's a long story

y/n: we're just happy you're here

the night of chilling and joking around continues after we ask them some questions and we answer some of theirs, we all decide to hit the sack, we send team rwby to have first watch together so they can talk things out and such. now with everyone here, the real adventure seemed to have begun


that's the end of this chapter, hope you enjoyed and see you in the next one :)

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