the fall of beacon

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it pure chaos in the city and school. i was currently following ozpin through the school because he needed to get something, i don't know what it is and he won't tell me. i was very worried about my friends but i know they can handle themselves

y/n: dad where are we going

ozpin: i think its time to show you your destiny

y/n: whats that supposed to mean

ozpin: you're very special my boy, and you have a destiny to fulfil

y/n: can you please just tell me whats going on

ozpin: i can because we're here

i look up to see a bookshelf, i look confused until he pulls a book and a door opens. very cliche. we walk into the room and there's a bunch of paintings, a map and a book

ozpin: y/n, you're very, very special

y/n: what do you mean

ozpin: well you're the person that's gonna destroy the grimm

y/n: WHAT

ozpin: y/n the powers you possess are meant to get rid of them for good

y/n: well how am i gonna do that

ozpin: well you're gonna need to travel to the heart and land of the grimm

y/n: anddd wheres that

ozpin: what do you think the map is for

y/n: makes sense. well how am i gonna destroy them for good then?

ozpin: it's hard to explain but you'll need to go to the castle of the grimm queen, and once you get there you'll get the a feeling and just know what you're supposed to do

y/n: that's very unhelpful, how do we even know that im the one

ozpin: well y/n, you possess the powers of the god of light and god of dark, and posses the power to control grimm. you'll need to train those powers to defeat the grimm

y/n: you said something about a grimm queen, what's that supposed to mean

ozpin: salem, the grimm queen. you'll need to destroy the pools of dark energy that's making the grimm and she will become mortal.

y/n: wait shes immortal

ozpin: right now she is, and to destroy the dark energy it's said in the book you'll have to be at the complete heart of it all, salem's throne room

y/n: i don't think i can do it

ozpin: not alone, i suggest you get some of your friends to help you on this journey

y/n: so you're asking me to ask my friends if they wanna go directly into where the grimm are created and hope i get that feeling and destroy the pools of that dark energy so we can kill a grimm queen that's immortal?

ozpin: yes

y/n: that's insane

ozpin: we're running out of time, take this and leave. and meet me when all of this is done, ill have a surprise for you *hands me the stuff*

y/n: i guess ill be off

ozpin: and one more thing, read page 79 in the book *he says with a sad expression on his face, and a lot of sadness in his voice* make your final decision after reading it, you can tell me it after all of this is done

rwby x chosen one male readerWhere stories live. Discover now