entering the land of the dead

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it's been a day since it happened and everyone is still completely silent, we've been walking for a couple of hours and we're soon gonna reach it, the land of the grimm. no more quick pit stops after today, we were gonna be on the doorstep of the queen herself in two days if we only sleep once, but no more setting up camp, we were gonna be sleeping in sleeping bags in the middle of the open with at least four people keeping guard at a time.  we were currently just walking, no chit chat, just walking

y/n: everyone, let's rest for 30 minutes 

everyone: ok 

we all just sat down on a couple of logs lying around, i've never seen everyone so down before, this isn't right. after the 30 mintues we got up and started walking again. liam was walking beside me

liam: i'm gonna make sure to kill her, even if it's the last thing i do 

y/n: man make sure you survive, you have something to get back too after *i say gesturing towards ruby* 

 liam: i guess you're right 

we continue on our way without facing much resistance. it freaked me out, i remember, i don't want to lose more people on this journey



we were at the border of entering grimm land, we all just stood there, not moving an inch. i turn around 

y/n: i didn't expect to have to ask this question, but if anyone is having doubts, you can turn around now, and walk back. i won't hold it against you 

everyone looks around, no one even moves

y/n: well i'm glad to have you all on board, now it's time to go 

they all look at me and nod, i'm the first to step on grimm land , the rest follow, we all start the journey towards the queen herself, we were gonna finish this, for lucas and william

liam: oliver i swear, if you mention that one more time i'll get the flip flop out 

oliver: do it, you wont 

liam: you so sure about that 

i see him reach into his back pocket and sure enough, he had the flip flop, oliver seemed scared and started to run, liam started chasing after him and when he finally caught him he slaps him so hard with the flip flop that salem could probably hear it. i was walking beside yang and ruby while liam and oliver were doing their thing. everyone else was laughing at the two 

y/n: well they've seemed to somehow lighten the mood a bit

yang: they're very good at that apparently 

ruby: i think they're just stupid

y/n: ruby one of them is your boyfriend 

ruby: my point still stands 

y/n: very true 

i look at the two again to see them both with a sombrero, liam had got a marker and drawn a fake moustache on oliver 

yang: where did they get the sombreros 

y/n: i stopped asking questions a long time ago 

i look at elijah who joined in and sophia who seemed very disappointed in her team

y/n: they never learn 

ruby: *sigh* they disappoint me 



we were taking a small break and team nnje had gotten out a game of uno. a bad idea apparently, i was spectating them play, liam had picked up like 15 cards, and no blues, they kept changing it to blue so he couldn't play, he finally got a good card and threw down a plus four, the oliver threw down a plus four, then elijah threw one down and finally sophia threw one down, liam seemed to glitch just at the mere thought of picking up so many cards, he slowly began reaching for his back pocket, the entirety of team nnje other than liam started running, he got the flip flop out again and started to chase them, until oliver turns around. and pulls out his own flip flop. they start circling each other 

liam: you think you can defeat me

oliver: you're weak, blinded by the pursuit of power 

liam: you can't stop me 

liam charges at oliver and tries to hit him from above but oliver blocks, oliver  tries with his own attack from the side but liam effortlessly blocks, they keep exchanging attacks and liam seemed to have got the advantage. ruby had gotten a "let's go liam" flag out, and weiss had gotten a "let's go oliver" flag, i don't know where they got them from. oliver was trying to keep up with the flip flop skill's that liam possessed. then it happened liam knocked the flip flop out of olivers hand

liam: you should have never challenge me, you're weak 

liam then slapped oliver with the flip flop and oliver dramatically fell to the ground, he was defeated, weiss runs over to his side

weiss: you monster

liam: i did what i had too 

he dramatically walks away, but he hears someone shout hey, it was the rest of team rwby, they all had flip flops, team nnje quickly comes to his aid with their own flip flops

y/n: where are these people getting all the flip flops 

jaune: im so confused 

ren: who isn't 

james: i was expecting something like this 

pryyha: how can you expect something like this 

james: known them for too long 

y/n: makes sense 

the fight had already begun and it was pretty even, liam again proved his combat prowess with a flip flop by getting ruby out the fight, he triumphantly looked down at her, he then went to help the others, team nnje slowly started to pick team rwby off 


liam: fair enough  


that's the end of this chapter, hope you enjoyed and see you in the next. i also wanna thank you all for the amazing support you're giving this story. i hope i can continue to make chapters you enjoy :)

(sorry this wasn't the most serious chapter but just wanted to write something light hearted. the next chapter is gonna return to the more serious stuff)

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