revelations part 2

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*y/n pov*

it was mission day and i would be going with the team that got oobleck. that poor poor team

y/n: ill at least get away from team rwby for a mission *you say with a small smile 

my scroll beeps indicating that ill have to meet oobleck at the bullheads in 2 hours



i was slowly making my way down to the bullheads, i met oobleck on the way so we were chatting about the mission 

y/n: so we're going on a scouting mission in mountain glenn? 

oobleck: that's pretty much it

y/n: sounds easy enough. oh that reminds me, what team are we gonna have with us 

oobleck: rwby

y/n: i must have misheard, could you say that again?

oobleck: i said team rwby 


we arrived at the bullheads 15 minutes before team rwby were supposed to be there and just waited around. i, of course, was dreading this mission because something crazy was gonna happen because of team rwby. when they finally arrived they seemed a little dishearted at the fact oobleck was the huntsman which is fair enough. oh and they were 2 minutes late. 

ruby: so why are you here y/n? 

y/n: oh so you dont want me here *you say pretending to be offended*

ruby: nononon its not that. its just why aren't you going on your own mission 

y/n: well im a one man team so they just picked a random mission and told me to go on that 

ruby: ohhhhh makes sense 

y/n: my turn to ask questions, how did you get this mission as its for second years only?

ruby: well you seeeee its because ehhh

y/n: ozpin?

ruby: ozpin



we've finally landed at our destination 

oobleck: ruby i told you to leave your bags back at beacon 

ruby: well you hadn't told us to listen yet 

yang: she's not wrong 

y/n: well played 

oobleck: hmm no trouble you can just leave it here and we'll pick it up when we leave 

ruby: ehh no 

oobleck: what could possibly be so important  that you won't leave it here 

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