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it's been a couple of hours since the flip flop fight and we were currently just walking slowly towards our goal, but i had this feeling of uneasiness the entire time. i didn't know what but something was off, i had to keep my guard up

sophia: what you thinking about y/n?¨

y/n: oh it's nothing really 

sophia: you sure? 

y/n: well, i feel very uneasy but i don't wanna worry all of the others so could you keep your guard up? 

sophia: i'll be sure to do that 

we kept walking for a bit longer. after 10 minutes we meet two deathstalkers

liam: so who's gonna take them on because i don't want to

y/n: ill do it 

james: i go with you 

liam: anyone else?

everyone just shrugs so me and james start walking towards them. i rush up to the one on the right and dodge its tail as it tries to stab me, i go in for a stab in its eye but i miss just about, it gets very annoyed at the attempt and tries to grab me with its claw, and jump back and transform one of my swords into a pistol and start to shoot while running closer, i get close and try to stab it in the eye again but his time i connect, it screams and falls to the ground, while turning into dust, i look at james to see him also finishing his fight

y/n: good workout

james: i guess you could say that   

we walk back to the group and we continue on our journey, everyone else was chatting and stuff but i was just walking by myself, gotta stay on guard



we were all taking a break, some people were napping others were talking, it was getting pretty dark so visibility was hard. it put me even more on edge

liam: yo mister hero

y/n: huh what 

liam: you were doing the spacing out thing 

y/n: no i wasn't 

liam: you've been staring at that rock for 15 minutes 

y/n: okay maybe i was spacing out a bit

liam: so what's on your mind?

y/n: oh it's nothing really 

liam: you're lying 

y/n: no im not 

liam: you are 

y/n: finee i've just been pretty paranoid the entire day 

liam: why?

y/n: i don't know 

liam: interesting 

we continued chatting until we heard a thud, it was elijah, he was hit by a dart that knocked him out 


everyone jolts awake but it was too late, everyone started getting hit by the darts, i felt a needle enter my neck, id been hit. i fall to the ground unable to move, but i spot something, sophia hadn't actually got hit, it was her clone. she was hiding waiting for the people to come out, the assailants slowly started showing themselves, it was three more of those assassins

assassin one: it looks like we got them all 

assassin two: yea lets get them to the queen, we wouldn't want her waiting   

but they didn't get to as sophia jumped out from her cover attacking the one closest to me, the assassin dodged while one of the others assassins came over to help, he tried to slash sophia from the top but she blocked and jumped out the way of an attack coming from one of the others, sophia jump over to another one and tried a quick combo of slashes, some of her slashes connected but not a lot, she jumped away from him but didn't get a lot of time to breath as she was attacked right away, she struggled to block them all but just managed to, she tried with her own flurry of attacks and connected with some more, she had to dodge an attack from the side and just about managed to. an attack came from behind then came, she didn't see it coming and it knocked her pretty far back, she hadn't gotten her concentration back as another attack came in hitting her again, i could tell her aura was getting low. she finally got her concentration back just in time to dodge another attack but didn't see the attack coming from behind her. you could visibly see her aura break, she jumped away but it was too late, an assassin jump over to her and stabbed her in the chest she was dead in an instant, i wanted to scream but couldn't. i could feel myself slowly slipping into the land of unconsciousness   



i woke up in what seemed like a cell, i was by myself. i looked down to see my hands were cuffed and i couldn't use my semblance for some reason. i then heard a voice 

guard one: he's up 

guard two: get him, the queen wants to have a chat with him 

guard one: okay boss 

the guard then opens my cell and grabs me, i don't have the energy to resist. he takes me through some halls until we get to a massive door, he knocks and two others guards open. the room looked like a throne room 

guard one: i have the prisoner with me 

????: ahh yes bring him to me 

the guard then takes me over to a woman who was completely pale. it was salem. the guard puts me on the ground right in front of her 

salem: leave me be with him 

the guard turns around and leaves the room and closes the door 

salem: welcome my child, have you enjoyed your stay so far? *she says sarcastically* 

y/n: i dont speak to the likes of you 

salem: well then you can listen. i have a proposition for you

i say nothing

salem: join me and we could destroy remnant together 

y/n: want my answer, NO 

salem: listen to me child, i will beat you into submission 

y/n: i'd like to see you try 

salem: guards, take him away 

the guards all come over and grab me but my arms and lead me out of the room 


that's the end of this chapter, hope you enjoyed. and be excited about the next chapter because that's the final :) 

rwby x chosen one male readerWhere stories live. Discover now