the festival continues

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its been a day since the fight. i hung out with nnje the entirety of the day after and they're pretty chill guys. we've exchanged numbers and i'd like to hang out more with them because my next fight is in a couple of hours so i have time. i call liam on my scroll 

y/n: do y'all have time today to chill 

liam: yea we don't have anything to do. see you 30 minutes?

y/n: sounds good 

i hang up and sit and wait for the 30 minutes until i hear a knock on my door. i open my door 

y/n: come in 

liam: ight bet

we talk about random stuff for a little until they ask about the fight today

oliver: nervous about the fight today

y/n: i'd be lying if i said no

liam: fair enough 

we chat more until i have to leave for the arena, and we say our goodbyes. the two that im fighting today are the fighter william, he uses a great sword that turns into a rifle when needed, his semblance is that he can zip around almost instantly kinda like ruby's but it's instant. then we have lucas he uses a bunch of knives, his semblance is something called rage where he goes into a mode of pure rage where his attack speed increases and his strength does too, it's kinda like what yang does but more primitive. it was gonna be difficult. i was standing in the middle waiting for the start signal 

y/n: may the best win

william: agreed 

lucas: *unrecognisable noise*

we get into battle stances after his outburst, the start sound is heard and i go for a more direct approach to this fight and throw a large fireball at them immediately, they both dodge and run different directions. i decide to chase after lucas, he runs into a forest type environment and i chase after him, he finally turns around and runs directly at me while throwing a knife at me, i dodge and try to stab him with one of my swords, he dodges, i continue my onslaught of attacks. he seems to tap into his semblance because his attacks suddenly got a lot faster and harder to predict, but he left a lot more openings and i just waited for the right time to strike, he strike him three times knocking him back and stunning him for a bit, which gave me enough time to charge up a fireball and knock him out of the fight. i then get hit out of nowhere, william had dashed towards me with the use of his semblance, he continues his attacks but right as im about to get a counter hit away he dashes away. i miss my attack and he hits me in the back, i go into a more defensive stance to counter his very offensive combat style. with the use of that technique, i was able to get a foothold in the fight and get a hit or two of my own in on him. he manages to catch me out but right as he's about to hit me i conjure up an ice wall and save myself. i go to the right of the ice wall and throw some fireballs at him while i get closer, we engage in some simple sword fighting, i seem to have the upper hand and i try to push my advantage. i see an opening and make my move, i slash him three times before using my usual finisher and fireball him

william: good fight, we tried to give you one on ones to make it fair

y/n: ah same as the ones i fought yesterday 

william: oh yeah team nnje, we're actually good friends 

y/n: oh wanna hang out 

william: sounds good 

rwby x chosen one male readerWhere stories live. Discover now