the start of a new adventure

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i wake up in a bright room. of course, a hospital bed, i look around but there's no one in the room, just my stuff and the book neatly put beside my bed, OH THE BOOK. i immediately pick it up and start reading it. i sit and read for what seems like an hour and i finally get to the last page. page 79, and ozpin was right it was a game changer but i knew deep inside, i didn't have a choice (oooooo something im not gonna tell you right now) i hear a door opening to see a nurse.

nurse: how are you feeling mr y/n? 

y/n: a little sore but nothing too bad, how long was i out for? 

nurse: glad to hear, you were out for a day only, from what the doctors say you should be able to leave later today

y/n: sounds good to me 

she smiles and leaves, i start to reflect over everything thats happened, and of course pyrrha's death, i still can't quite believe it. everything just went so fast, one day its just the tournament going smoothly, then the next we have a massive grimm invasion. from what i could gather from a newspaper nearby we managed to clear vale but beacon was a lost cause. i cant quite wait to get out of here and check up on everybody. ozpin left a note in the book on where to meet him and stuff but i can't get in contact with my friends as my scroll broke from an apparent fall. just my luck 



i finally get out and go to the location where ozpin told me to meet him. it was a small house just outside of vale, i remember it because i spent many hours of my younger days here. i knock and  walk in to see glynda sitting on a couch and ozpin in a chair 

y/n: im here 

ozpin: i noticed *he gives a soft smile*

y/n: well im alive but dont actually know how i ended up in the hospital 

ozpin: ill tell you later 

y/n: thats fine by me

ozpin: have you read the book *he says sounding a little nervous*

y/n: i have 

ozpin: what is your answer? 

glynda: we dont wanna push this all on you at once but this is very important

y/n: i know, and i've decided. it's, of course, a yes

ozpin: i had a feeling that would be your answer 

y/n: you did raise me after all *i say with a small smile*

ozpin: now to how you ended up in the hospital. come out 

i look over to my right to see team nnje, william, lucas and james come out from the basement

ozpin: they got you to the hospital and will be going with you on your journey

y/n: what about the whole chosen one and grimm queen thing 

ozpin: I've already briefed them on everything, i mean everything  *he looks down while saying that last part*

y/n: that makes gathering people easier, but i still think we need more 

ozpin: take as much time as you need to prepare your journey over the sea 

rwby x chosen one male readerWhere stories live. Discover now