the festival begins

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its been a couple of weeks since the mission, again and i get to stay and compete in the festival so thats good. ozpin hasn't answered any questions about this prophesy and has just told me that i'll know when i need it. so far its been a normal morning before everyone's first fight, of course its a bit tense and you can feel the nervousness so i plan on not really watching anyones fight and just wait for my own

ruby: earth to y/n 

y/n: what I'm here 

ruby: you've been spacing out for like 10 minutes, is something wrong 

y/n: no nothing is wrong I'm just kinda nervous 

blake: I think everyone is 

yang: oh the great y/n is nervous *said in an overdramatic voice*

y/n: oh shut up 

yang: awweeee is the great y/n mad

y/n: you're the most insufferable person on this planet 

yang: i try 

we say our goodbyes as it was their turn to fight and go to the colosseum. i also take a seat to watch the fights 



its been a couple of hours and it was my turn to fight, the team i was fighting was named nnje. its members were their leader liam who used two swords like me and his semblance is everything rock and such, then there's oliver who uses a katana like sword, his semblance is he can increase his reaction time so it's almost instant for a short period at a time, then there's elijah who uses two smg type weapons and his semblance is sound so he can screech and if you're not prepared it can stun you for a bit, and at last, there's sophia she uses two type daggers and her semblance is making a copy of herself but the copy is extremely slow. i was waiting in the arena but their leader was late 


oliver: thats why i came here 25 minutes early 

liam: smart choice 

y/n: ehh are you done 

liam: yea we are 

just as he says that the start noise is heard and elijah instantly shoots at me but he misses i run into the urban looking landscape and hide, they come looking for me and i overhear them talking 

elijah: i could scream

liam: i really don't want to hear that 

elijah: but it could help 

liam: no please dont 

elijahs screech can be heard in the next kingdom and i have to cover my ears 

liam: that didn't do anything other than ruin my ears 

oliver: i have an idea. COULD YOU STOP HIDING 

i stay hidden because im not an idiot 

liam: we're useless, how did we qualify for this 

sophia: im not sure 

oliver: I FOUND HIM 

i look behind me to see oliver staring back at me with his sword in hand 


all of them show up and start attacking me. i isolate sophia in an alleyway and attack her but find out it was her clone and immediately regret, i turn around to find her staring back at me with two daggers. she immediately attacks me with a series of quick jabs but i deflect and dodge accordingly i return the favour with a quick salvo of shots fired her way connecting with her and she retreats. i follow her to try and knock her out of the fight but im stopped by oliver coming out of nowhere with his own combo of attacks striking me once i try and return the favour but he somehow manages to block all my attacks. he quickly counters and continues to press the attack and tries to keep his advantage, i regain my footing and get a few strikes in on him, i dont get to continue and finish him as elijah comes in and saves him, hitting some shots on me in the process


oliver: WAIT HE DID 

sophia: THIS IS SO RARE 

i run away to regain my composure

y/n: how are these top students at another academy

liam: we're not sure 

i look to my right in shock to see liam standing there with two floating rocks beside him, he throws them at me and i have to dodge but right as i get my weapons out, he's disappeared. i look around confused until im struck in the back of the head with a rock 

liam: hey im over here 

he sprints towards me and does a flurry of attacks i deflect some but he also gets some hits, i counter and the same thing happens, we mutually agree to run away from each other i run out the other side of the building but im met by sophia, she tries to jab me but i dodge and return the favour, i charge up a fireball and hit her, knocking her out of the match. i take my leave but end up running into oliver who tries to slash my but i jump tp the side and counter with my my own couple slashes but he deflects expertly, i conjure up a ball of electricity and send it his way he jumps over, i immediately throw another one at him actually connecting with him and as he's stunned i finish him off with a nice big fireball. i run and hide in a building

y/n: okay i can see why they're top students 

i try to exit the building quietly but fail as elijah starts shooting right as i leave the doorway. he does another screech and it stuns me and it allows him to get a couple hits leaving me very low on aura, i fire back a bunch of small fireballs as i get closer and as soon as he's in range i try to jab him but he jumps out the way, i keep swinging as he continues to try and run away but backs himself into a corner making it easy to conjure up a fireball finishing him, leaving just the leader. i go out into the middle of the street seeing him just standing there 

liam: im waiting 

i give him what he wants and start shooting at him as i get closer, he takes a couple of boulders and throws them at me but i dodge, i finally get in range and we start trading blows but i seem to have the longer straw, we continue and tries to jump away and it leaves him exposed giving me the chance to finish the match and i do

y/n: oh jeez that was a good match 

liam: yea we tried to give you one v ones to make it fair 

y/n: i could tell, well thanks for the fight 

liam: wanna go for some noodles with me and the rest of my team?

y/n: sure that sounds good 


that's that for this chapter hope you enjoyed :) 

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