The battle to end them all

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I wake up in the empty cell I've been living in for the last couple days. It's just been days of torture and pain, but I'm not gonna give in. I hear a loud bang from down the hall

Y/n: what the hell was that

I see a guard get thrown past my cell, I hear footsteps get closer

Liam: found you

Y/n: how did you escape?

Liam: it's a longgggg story, and we don't have the time

Y/n: good point, let's kill some grimm queens

Liam: i like your way of thinking

We turn around and go out to the others, we start walking down the halls as i know where we have to go, we walk down a hall where we meet Tyrian

Qrow: you go ahead, I've got this

Y/n: you sure?

Qrow: 100 percent kid

We all nod and go up ahead as Qrow charges at Tyrian, we then get to the door to the throne room

Y/n: this is it everyone, its time to kill the queen

Liam: we got it

I was about to open the door but Liam stopped me

Liam: I have a more fun way of opening it

Y/n: is it what I think it is

Liam: oh yes it is

We both smile and take a step back

Yang: what is it exactly he's gonna do?

Y/n: you'll see

Liam then picks up a massive part of the floor with the use of his semblance and throws it through the door


We all step through to see Salam sitting in her throne

Salem: it seems like the rats have escaped

Liam: that's just mean

Oliver: well we are here to kill her

Liam: fair point

While we're distracted she makes the first move by creating a spear out of what seems like nothing and throwing it after them, they realise in time and dodge the attack, we all nod and go on the offensive, Elijah charges at her but she simple throws another spear making him jump out of the way before she sprints over to him hitting him with a sword knocking him back, but the most shocking thing was she broke his aura in one swing

Y/n: that's not good

James: agreed

We continue to fight her waiting for me to get that apparent feeling I'm supposed to get, but nothing seemed to happen, no feeling. Everyone was slowly just getting in worse shape, Elijah had just gotten more cuts and was getting more and more sloppy with his movements, everyone else were getting tired

Liam: we need a plan

Y/n: any ideas?

Liam: no clue

Y/n: great

We all just sigh, I charge at her for the 100th time it seemed like and engaged in sword combat with her, it look like I was winning until I get hit out of no where, I fly back and hit the wall, I look up to see her preparing to throw a spear, I couldn't seem to move, she throws it and time seems to stand still. Was this the end? I close my eyes only to hear a loud cutting sound, I open my eyes and see that Elijah jumped in the way, he drops to the ground. Dead

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