solo mission

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its been a couple of weeks since the incident and I've recovered well. I've had some questions but ozpins answers have been cryptic and suspicious but what can i do really. ive been testing my new ability and i can kinda use it now. I've been given another mission but this time alone. hopefully, this goes better with no random extra abilities. 

ozpin: you'll be picked up at the same location you're dropped off at in a weak but if you need emergency pick up use your scroll. am i clear?

y/n: yea i got it 

i take my not so long walk towards the bullhead until im stopped by team rwby and jnpr 

ruby: we just wanted to wish you good luck and be safe, please 

y/n: when have i not been safe

yang: do you want me to list them all?

y/n: fair point

we have a little laugh and say our goodbyes as i get on the bullhead 

pilot: we're gonna be a little while so you can take a nap or something 

y/n: now you're speaking my language

i take a nap obviously



i get woken up by the pilot 

pilot: hey we're here 

y/n: thanks for the ride 

i step off and go towards my location

y/n: where would a small village be 

he looks around and spots it 

y/n: how did i miss that 

he shrugs and takes the short hike over to it. i ask around to find where the leader is and get directed to  a little bigger house in the middle of the village. i go over and knock on the door and a normal height man opens 

man: ah you must be the huntsman  

y/n: that would be correct, names y/n 

john: call me john 

y/n: okay john what seems to be the problem? 

john: there's been a lot of grimm activity near a cave in the mountains and they've been attacking my people so i would like them gone  

y/n: I'll get on my way immediately then, ill see you around 

i say my goodbyes and start the treck over towards the cave. i meet some beowolves on the way so it's nothing special. after a couple of hours, i get to the entrance of the cave and i see some weird markings 

y/n: that looks....weird 

i continue into the cave and see a rock that looks like it has a book on it 

y/n: what is that 

i walk closer to see that it is indeed a book. i decide to investigate. it looks ripped but some pages seem intact. it says something about a prophecy

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