a difficult road ahead

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its been two days since yang blake and weiss have returned and a pattern seems to have emerged, blake is spending a suspicious amount have time with james, weiss is spending a suspicious amount of time with oliver, yang is spending a suspicious amount of time with ME of all people, and ruby is spending a suspicious amount of time with liam, yang has also been shooting him dirty looks a lot, he looks scared for his life which is understandable, and the journey itself is going well, we're just currently walking towards another village to stay the night, and we're just talking really

y/n: so liam, ive noticed you seem to have made so modifications to your weapons *ruby immediately looks interested 

liam: oh yeah, after we got knocked out of the tournament i went back to work on a project I've been working on for a while, and i've finally got it to work

ruby: what is it *she says sounding very, very excited*

liam: ive added a function where a barrel jumps out from my sword, but where i can still use my swords as swords

y/n: that seems pretty cool

liam: oh it is, im of course not gonna be as accurate as you when you turn your sword into a gun completely but i can still shoot

ruby's eyes seem to sparkle, liam seems to notice this a lets out a light chuckle. we walk for another half an hour until we finally get to the village



y/n: this is the most overdramatic thing i've ever seen

yang: shut up or i'll beat you up

y/n: fairs

we set up camp, i go for a little walk just to clear my head, i hear someone come up behind

y/n; if you're an assassin you're really bad at your job   

yang: jeez it's just me

y/n: oh hello yang, come sit *i motion her over*

yang: so what are you doing

y/n: just clearing my head that's all

yang: we all need to do that sometimes

y/n: i still can't believe that we're supposed to save the world

we look over to see oliver, liam and elijah crab walking around the fire

yang: i have so many questions, i can't believe that my sister fell in love with THAT

she points over to liam running into a lampost while yelling       

y/n: how has that happened then           

yang: im really not sure

y/n: well it seems we're gonna have three couples on this journey

yang: what do you mean

y/n: well we have liamand ruby, blake and james, and weiss with oliver

yang: there's gonna be four

y/n: what do you mean

right as i finish that sentence she kisses me, i was shocked at first but slowly fall into the kiss, we separate after 30 seconds

rwby x chosen one male readerWhere stories live. Discover now