01. A Cry for Mercy

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Nordenland – Castle of Nordenvania


Rumor had it that Lord Bernard Nordstrom knew no mercy. It was even said that he took pleasure in the pain of the unfortunate. And who could be more unfortunate than the humans of Nordenland?

Alina kept her head raised high in a perfect display of confidence, despite her racing heart. She had never witnessed a beheading before, but now she stood next to the cruel Lord Bernard Nordstrom, the man she had been forced to marry, ready to watch him execute some unfortunate human villagers.

The castle stood tall behind them, cold and grey, its glass domes shrouded in fog, and its high towers disappearing into the clouds. A thin veil of mist hung low over the field before them, yet through the dancing fumes Alina could see the group of chained prisoners kneeling in the distance, waiting for their fate.

They were five men in total, all sentenced to death for not paying the taxes. A petty reason to be executed, Alina mused. Everyone knew that those humans could not buy their own food, let alone pay taxes. But Bernard decided to make an example of them nonetheless. It was even believed that he was killing them for sport rather than punishment.

A party of black ravens flew towards the field, cawing in anticipation of an upcoming feast. Or perhaps they were announcing an arrival, for next, a tall figure walked out of the clearing mist, making all heads turn.

Alina's heart thumped, and for a moment, she forgot all about Bernard and the beheadings.

It was him. Sir Mikal Nordstrom. The most handsome living male in Nordenland. And Savior of the North.

It was not unusual for Mikal to show up last, after all the winged Lords and council members had already gathered in the field. Because Sir Mikal was well known for taking his sweet time. Not that anyone dared to complain. After all, it was Sir Mikal, Bernard's prime advisor and army commander, who had conquered the Eastern heathens of Kassarath three years ago, saving the whole North from certain doom.

Despite the unpleasant event, Alina couldn't help but watch in awe as Mikal walked gracefully towards them, his silver blonde hair falling in long waves to his slim waist, matching with his silver wings and contrasting against his black coat. She couldn't help but stare at the perfection of his high cheekbones and the charm of his slightly pouting lips. She barely caught a glimpse of his pale citrine eyes, before he took his place by Bernard's side, wearing a blank expression on his terribly handsome face.

It wasn't until Bernard had gestured for his guardsmen to bring in the first prisoner, that Alina's attention was finally drawn away from Mikal.

Two winged guards armored in black steel dragged the writhing human forward, pushing him to kneel before Bernard. With his mighty white wings spread behind him, and his ice blue eyes glaring dangerously, Bernard stepped towards the man and drew out his sword.

"Do you have any last words?" Bernard asked, and the man merely mumbled, before Bernard's massive blade fell upon his neck, severing it at once.

Alina flinched, shutting her eyes against the sight of the headless body and splattering blood. Her heart pounded hard and her whole body trembled.

She shouldn't feel sorry, she reminded herself. After all, they were only humans, mere tools for the winged ones to use and discard as they pleased. She was well aware that the unsolicited sympathy she sometimes held for the humans was deeply frowned upon. Especially by the likes of Bernard. It had been only two weeks since their marriage, but she had quickly learned to keep what little pity she might feel for humans a secret.

Trying to steady her breathing, Alina dared take a peek at the ominous crowd of human spectators standing at the opposite side. She shuddered at the look of resentment in their eyes, and she looked away at once, avoiding their unnerving stares. Fortunately, she knew that they would not dare protest. Not only because they knew their place, but also because they were guarded by an impressive row of winged guardsmen, holding them back at a proper distance.

"Next!" Bernard ordered.

The guards dragged another human towards Bernard. Alina clenched her fists and closed her eyes. She flinched as she heard a swift swoosh and a dull thud, announcing the fall of another head. The third followed shortly, and so did the fourth. Alina kept her eyes closed, shuddering with each sound of slashing blade and falling head, until she heard heart wrenching cries.

She opened her eyes and searched for the source of the sound, and she found the fifth prisoner kicking and crying as the guards dragged him... no, her... It was a woman.

"Please! Mercy my Lord!" the woman cried as the guards shoved her before Bernard.

"You should have thought of that when you refused to pay the taxes," Bernard said, raising his sword over her neck.

"No, please!" the woman cried. "I have little children. Please! I am all they have left."

"You have little children you say," Bernard said as he withdrew his sword, and Alina's heart raced with anticipation, hoping he would spare her. "Well I am not completely merciless as many of your kind claim. I understand of course that you are worried your children will suffer after your death."

"Yes please, please." The woman nodded frantically.

"Alright. Where are they?" Bernard asked as he looked up around.

Alina turned at the sounds of gasps and whispers coming from the human crowds, and she found two little toddlers running out into the field towards their mother. Two little disheveled creatures, boys or girls she could not tell, with dirty ragged clothes and long tangled hair.

It all happened in a moment. The instant they reached their mother, Bernard had gestured to his guards, who immediately stepped forward and grabbed the children away. Several cries and screams followed. Alina found herself crying out as well and dashing forward, only to be stopped by a strong arm, keeping her in place.

She looked up and found Vilfred, Mikal's brother, his gentle green eyes frowning as he shook his head at her in silent warning. Alina realized with horror that Bernard had turned towards her and was now approaching her.

"Did you have something to say, my dear wife?" he asked, his voice calm but not very gentle, and dead silence filled the field.

"Please... don't hurt them," Alina managed to say, her lips quivering.

"Oh no, I won't hurt them of course," Bernard said, but Alina was no longer sure she could trust him. Her horrified eyes followed him as he walked back towards the wailing mother and the crying toddlers who were squirming within the guards' grasps.

"I will only send them to heaven," Bernard announced, his words followed by the mother's harrowing screech. He gestured to the guards with a single nod, and the next moment they obediently pulled out their swords.


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