30. A Dangerous Invitation

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Grey clouds shielded the afternoon skies and autumn rain threatened to fall. Alina walked alone through the desolate gargoyle graveyard. Hundreds of stone gargoyles cried as the strong winds whistled and churned against them. Alina had come to the Northern woods to seek release from the suffocating anguish that devoured her soul, but the gargoyles' cries and the bleak nature that surrounded her further weighed down her already leaden heart. And she cried as well, her sobs drowned out by the gargoyles' eerie howls.

The gargoyles in there, most of which were dated back to hundreds of years ago, had long been used as tombstones for the deceased predecessors of Nordenvania, as according to ancient belief, their menacing form would scare away evil spirits. It was not known when, or how, or why these gargoyles were created, whether they were meant to be tombstones in the first place, or whether they were indeed the cursed forms of sinful angels. Yet it had been a custom since ancient times and until this day, to bury the ashes of the Nordstrom nobles in this graveyard under the protection of the gargoyles. 

Alina found it hard to believe that these were simply dead stones. Despite the various explanations, she still was not convinced that these ominous stares and harrowing cries did not arise from either a living form or some kind of dark sorcery. Perhaps they were really created from magical stones to scare evil spirits away. Or perhaps they indeed contained the trapped souls of sinful angels...

A sudden thunder explosion made her start, interrupting her already disturbing thoughts. And a lone figure appeared in the distance. Mikal stood gracefully at the other end of the graveyard, his silver hair and silver wings shining in vivid contrast against the dull surroundings. He must have been visiting his father's grave, she thought, and he had apparently noticed her presence as well. He was now walking towards her. She quickly wiped away her tears.

"Alina," he whispered as he reached out to her and held her arms, his eyes full of tenderness. "What are you doing here?" But she only stood speechless as tears welled up in her eyes again. "What is it, Alina?" He frowned in concern, raising his fingers to her face and caressing her cheek. 

She closed her eyes. Why was he so gentle now? Why wasn't it Julian who touched her that way? Julian... But Julian didn't care for her. He didn't love her. More tears streamed down her cheeks.

"Hush, my love," Mikal whispered, and her eyes flew open. My love? She looked up at him in wonder. His intense citrine eyes were staring into hers, unsettling her heart, and his sensuous touch trailed down from her cheek to her neck. Indeed Mikal was handsome, and gentle, and kind. She could love him. She could have loved him.

"Mikal you cannot do this." She pulled away from him. "I am a married woman. You cannot touch me like this."

"So if you were not married you would have let me touch you like this?"

"I... I don't know, I mean..." she stammered. And before she knew it, she found herself locked within his arms as he took her lips in a deep kiss. She moaned as his sensual kiss sent her whole being spinning with emotion. He moved his lips to her neck and his hands wandered to the small of her back.

"Mikal... please stop!" She pulled out of his embrace and instantly turned her back to him, her heart hammering.

"Are you rejecting me?" Mikal asked as he stood behind her, yet despite his gentle voice she could tell it was full of reproach.

"I am not rejecting you..." she breathed. Or was she? She did not know. All she knew was that Julian had broken her heart. And the suddenness and intensity of Mikal's affections were not making her situation any better.

"Then what are you afraid of?" Mikal moved closer behind her and leaned his face down to the side of her neck, his lips slightly brushing against her skin.

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