26. A Valuable Hostage

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Hilda was still scowling as she lay in bed at night, feeling quite bothered and unable to sleep. She kept recalling how Serenus's sensuous entertainers kept flirting with Mikal, and she only grew more bothered and frustrated. She closed her eyes and tried to sleep, and she found herself absently turning to think of Vilfred. Her frown disappeared as she recalled how perfectly handsome and hot he looked sitting there half-naked in that spring, thin steam veiling his lightly bearded face, and damp honey curls teasing his muscled chest and arms. She pictured her fingers chasing the small droplets of water that trickled from his shoulders down to his chest, her hands caressing his taut muscles and the smoothness of his gleaming skin...

She heard the distant sound of giggling and chattering coming from outside. Frowning suspiciously, she rose off the bed and went to the door.

She slowly opened her door to take a peek, and she found four of the girls from the spring earlier today hurrying towards Mikal's room. Her scowl deepened. The girls daringly opened Mikal's door and entered, closing it again behind them. Hilda walked outside and followed them, until she stood behind Mikal's closed door. She listened carefully. She had never thought the day would come when she cared whether Mikal slept with random women or not. Not that she cared for him of course. But now he was known to be her fiancé. He should at least pretend to be celibate out of respect for her and her father. But what did he know of respect? He was shameless and disrespectful in every possible way! He had even flirted with those shameless girls and kissed them in the spring earlier today right in front of everyone, regardless to anyone.

Hilda remembered that Vilfred was with him in the same room, and her heart fell. Even Vilfred? She had really started to like Vilfred. He was the complete opposite of Mikal. Gentle, chivalrous and well-behaved. She had often caught him looking at her, and when he did, his eyes were always full of warmth and tenderness, unlike Mikal's cold scornful sneers. 

Loud giggles and screams reached her from behind the closed door. She scowled deeper, trying to shun away the picture that kept creeping to her mind, of Mikal and Vilfred each locked in with two naked girls, fucking and moaning in pleasure.

The door suddenly flew open. Hilda gasped. Vilfred was standing right before her. She felt a strange mixture of horror at being discovered while eavesdropping, and relief at finding Vilfred fully dressed. She dared take a peek inside where she found the four girls already fully naked and halfway done with undressing Mikal too, before Vilfred quickly closed the door behind him.

"What are you doing here?" he whispered as he took her hand and led her away from the uncomfortably growing moans.

"Nothing. I... I heard... I thought someone was crying. I only came to see if someone was hurt. That's all!" Hilda raised her head defiantly as she pulled her hand out of Vilfred's. "I did not really expect to find... Never mind, I will go back to sleep. I did not mean to interrupt you." And just as Hilda turned away, Vilfred had gently caught her hand again, stopping her.

"Can you stay awake for a little bit longer?"

"Why is that? No, no, I am not at all interested in joining your little party in there."

"I am not interested either," Vilfred chuckled. "Well you see, since I was the serious and boring one who was spoiling all their fun, I was kicked out of the room. I have no place to sleep now."

"What are you hinting at Sir Vilfred? You know I can't invite you to my room, even if I wanted to. That would not be appropriate. You see, unlike your shameless brother, I hold respect to my fiancé, even if I hate him."

"Oh, I am utterly disappointed now," Vilfred pouted playfully, before he held her hand again. Her heart thumped. "Well then in that case, if you don't mind, my lady, would you like to have a little walk?"

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