29. Broken Hearts

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Julian stood behind the stable door, watching Mikal and Alina as they walked together towards the large oak tree next to the stable. His eyes narrowed, and he could not stop the pangs of jealousy that struck his heart. He watched bitterly as Mikal's hand rested low at Alina's waist. Mikal had simply taken Alina away from him with a single command, and she complied without a second thought. 

Julian was angry, angry because he was so powerless. He could only watch helplessly as Alina walked next to Mikal, her long silk dress shifting between pale lavender and ice blue with every movement. Her long hair was arranged into a thick side braid, glowing like flames beneath the low setting sun. And despite the distance, he could see her warm honey eyes sparkling sweetly as she looked at Mikal. 

Without warning, Mikal had pulled Alina against his chest and closed his arms around her, before he landed his lips onto hers with a venomous kiss.

Julian froze in his place, and he turned his face away. He stood stunned for a long moment, looking towards the ground. His heart raced and he feared to look back up. Burning fury rose within him, and unshed tears stung his eyes. Still looking away, he hurried back inside the stable, escaping to the safety of his room.


It was well past midnight. Julian's sword shone beneath the full silver moon as he stood training behind the stable. He fiercely swung his sword against the air. 

Alina... It was a cold steel dagger plunged into his unsuspecting heart. He had thought that she loved him. But he was a complete fool. To think that the beautiful winged lady loved him, a lowly human slave. And there she stood today, allowing Mikal to kiss her, just as she had allowed Julian to kiss her before. How could she! His stomach churned and his body shook as he kept swinging his sword furiously, cutting through the air.

"Careful Julian, you will hurt yourself."

Julian turned in alarm at the sudden cold voice. Mikal stood there in his usual confidence, his sliver hair and silver wings shining beneath the silver moonlight. Julian was still holding up his sword as Mikal approached him.

"Give me that sword," Mikal said calmly as he gestured at Julian's sword.

"Why?" Julian frowned.

"Do not question me. You will give me that sword."

Having no choice, Julian handed in his sword with resentment in his eyes.

"How could you even get across such a thing?" Mikal asked as he inspected the blade. "This is Liam's work. And it's worth a lot of gold." 

Julian's heart raced, knowing that he would get into deep trouble if Mikal figured out how he came to get such a weapon. But to his surprise, he found Mikal quietly handing the sword back to him without questioning him any further.

"I know you saw me kissing Alina today," Mikal said unexpectedly, as he took out his own sword. Julian's eyes widened, and he took a step backwards. He noticed Mikal's faint smile as he took a step towards him. Julian took another step backwards.

"She is such a beautiful girl. Any man would want her, don't you agree?" Mikal said as he demonstrated his huge war sword before Julian. "But you are a human, you probably can't see her that way," Mikal continued as he teasingly turned and swung his sword. "Or is it possible for humans to have feelings for a winged one?"

"I don't think so, my lord. I have never thought about it." Julian's heart pounded. Could Mikal have possibly discovered anything about him and Alina? 

Without warning, Julian found Mikal's massive sword falling against him. His own sword flew instantly in defense, clanking against Mikal's. And his eyes widened in horror, while Mikal looked back at him in amusement. How Julian managed to stop Mikal's strike, he himself did not know. They stood for a long moment, their swords locked, before Mikal withdrew.

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