38. The Unforgivable Sin

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Vilfred was pure evil!

That was what Lucian realized shortly after Vilfred had taken over Mikal's place and started training them. Only two days had passed since the men came back from Grytia, and Vilfred had turned into a cold and unkind stranger, short tempered and cruel. Lucian understood his sorrow over Mikal's loss. Of course, it must be difficult losing someone so dear, and moreover being forced to take his place. Besides, Hans was not making it any easier for Vilfred. Hans who had always been the best at swordplay, always the first to attack and strike, was now a silent and lifeless mess.

"Why did you stop?" Vilfred shouted as Hans absently dropped his sword and stopped practicing. "Hold your sword and keep fighting!" But when Hans did not comply, Vilfred's hand suddenly fell in a hard smack against Hans's back sending him to his knees. 

"Come on Hans," Lucian whispered as he went to kneel before Hans, while Vilfred got occupied with instructing the other boys. Lucian held Hans's shoulders, and he could see unshed tears welling up in his cousin's eyes. Lucian could feel tears rising in his own eyes as well.  He was just as affected by Mikal's death as Vilfred and Hans were. He had loved him too.  

"I know, Hans," Lucian whispered as Hans's shoulders shook with suppressed sobs. "I miss him too." As Lucian still knelt patting Hans's shoulders, a sudden hard smack fell against his back as well. It was evil Vilfred!

"I said keep fighting," Vilfred yelled.

Lucian was grateful when the unpleasant training finally came to an end. And he couldn't be more grateful when he went back to his room and found Daria standing before his door.

"Lucie there you are," her sweet voice greeted him, her soft lips smiling gently. He felt the heat already rising in his cheeks at the mere sight of her face. He quickly grabbed her hand and pulled her inside his room, locking the door behind them. He took off his shirt and his hands urgently turned to pull down her dress. A good fuck was all he needed now to get over his earlier unpleasant training with Vilfred. 

"So eager!" Daria giggled, and Lucian's lips only closed upon her mouth, shutting her up, while his hands groped her breasts. He did not want to speak. He did not want to think. All he wanted to do was pull her into his bed and fuck her as hard as he could. 

And fuck her hard he did, sinking into a dangerous sea of pleasure as he held on to her with all his might. No matter how many times he fucked her, he would never have enough. She moaned beneath him as he slammed himself hard inside her, his hungry eyes fixed on her pale breasts as they bounced with his urgent thrusts. The tingling pleasure was building up inside him already. He grunted and his thrusts grew more urgent. Her breasts bounced faster, and his breath grew shallower. He was gasping now. His legs stiffened, his back arched, and he cried out as blinding pleasure burst through his body.

The sun was already low in the sky as Lucian lay spent within Daria's arms, half asleep and drunk with pleasure. He could feel her gentle fingers toying with his hair. He smiled at the pleasant sensation and closed his eyes. 

"I love you so much..." he mumbled sleepily. 

"I love you too," she whispered, and kissed his forehead.

And without warning, the door was suddenly broken open. 

Lucian sat upright at once with a sharp gasp, mirrored by Daria. His heart stopped in horror as he found guards storming into his room.

Followed by Bernard.

Daria cowered behind Lucian, but her presence was as clear as the sun.

And Bernard could see her.

Bernard could see her and Lucian as they both lay naked together in bed.

Bernard had found out.


Lucian could neither feel the cold winds biting through his bare skin nor the tight metal chains cutting through his wings as he lay shirtless on the cold grass in the courtyard. Despite the crowds that gathered by now, he was far too filled with dread that all he could hear was the hard pounding of his own heart, and all he could see was Daria's ashen face as she lay at the opposite side before him, chained as well.

"You defied me!" Bernard said. "You defied me and gave gold to the humans." Lucian shuddered. How did Bernard find out?

"And ironically, when I came with my guards to arrest you, you were furthermore caught committing the great unforgivable sin, with a human whore!"

Lucian shook terribly, but he only continued to stare at Daria who stared back at him with horrified eyes that mirrored his own.

"The offences you committed are punishable beyond death."

Lucian's breathing grew heavier and he was almost panting as he continued to look at Daria. His heart was pounding so hard that he thought it would break his chest. Daria... 

He did not notice how or when it happened, but out of nowhere, Daria's whole body jolted and her hazel eyes widened as a long metal spear struck her spine, impaling her to the ground. Lucian froze, that he could neither blink nor even gasp, and a deadly silence fell where only the echo of the metal spear colliding with flesh and earth rang within his ears.

As Lucian was still trying to comprehend what happened, blood started spurting out of Daria's mouth. Her whole body shuddered, while a large pool of crimson red grew beneath her. Lucian could barely whimper before Daria's round open eyes started closing and her head fell to the ground with a dull thud.


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