18. Dangerous Seduction

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The slave girls were already gossiping as Daria entered the kitchen, and they turned to stare at her in contempt.

"There she comes," a girl said.

"Slut," another called.

"Aren't you ashamed of yourself?"

"Look at you! Why do you even bother to wear that dress at all?" another girl said as she scowled at Daria's low cut dress. But Daria calmly ignored them as she prepared an evening snack for Alina.

"If you want to show off your breasts that much you may as well take it off," another girl added and they all laughed.

Daria finished preparing Alina's snack and left the kitchen without a word. She knew very well that these were mere words of jealousy. Of course, she had been here for only a few days, and in no time she had become Alina's favorite. Alina had chosen Daria as a personal servant, which meant she didn't get to do all the tiresome household chores, and she got to be treated more generously. On top of being allowed to dress as she pleased and keep her long hair, she also got to sleep in a special servants' chamber located in the Nordstroms' quarters.

It was almost midnight as Daria lay awake in a large comfortable bed, with only two other maids sleeping next to her. She thought bitterly about the slave girls' mean insults earlier today. Perhaps she should kill them all. She sighed at her stupid thoughts. She would be lucky if she could just kill him and get out of here alive. She trembled. She had never killed a living thing before. It was not as easy as it sounded. And the more she thought about it, the less confident she became. But that was serving her no good. Eventually she would have to do it. That was why she was sent here. Tonight I will do it, she told herself. 

She looked at the two girls next to her, making sure they were fast asleep, before she rose quietly. With a heavy heart, she pulled out a knife she had hidden beneath her pillow, and she secured it in the thick corset she wore around her waist, before she crept out of bed.

She sneaked out of the room and walked through the long corridors, concealed in the shadows of the midnight darkness. Her heart raced, yet she kept going. His room was at the opposite end, but she felt that it was miles ahead, and the more she approached it, the more she trembled.

Her heart raced faster as she finally stopped outside his door. I can do it, I can do it, she kept assuring herself. She did not want to back away at the last moment. Seducing him was not going to be difficult, she reminded herself. She prayed he wouldn't mind that she was a human. Yet even if he did, it would be her job to make him change his mind. She knew she could do it. Seducing men was her field of expertise. And that was the only way she could kill him. When he was lying lost and spent. She would plunge that knife into his heart.

Her own heart pounded and her hands trembled as she knocked and slowly opened the door. The room was dimly lit by a single lantern filled with pale Angel Light. He was still awake as she expected. She could easily spot him sitting at the table in the middle of the room, dressed in a black silk night robe, his long silver hair shining subtly and marking his position. She entered with hesitant steps, but he only looked up at her with a blank expression. She expected to see a surprised look on his face, or even one of intrigue, but not that cold expressionless stare.

"I believe you have come to the wrong room," Mikal said.

"No my Lord. I have come for you," she responded in a low seductive voice. 

His eyes narrowed suddenly. Her heart raced. Why did he seem upset now? She quickly drew the string at the top of her dress and her breasts shamelessly spilled free. But his cold expression did not change. He did not even look at her breasts!

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