06. Sunrise

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The silence of the predawn hours was interrupted by Lucian's scurrying footsteps as he hurried to the kitchens. It was dark, everybody in the castle still fast asleep, except for a few servants who had to start the early morning chores.

"Lucian!" one of the servants gasped in surprise as the winged boy appeared before her, hopping excitedly into the kitchen. He chuckled at her startled expression.

"Good morning Sally!" he said cheerfully as he snatched a frosted cupcake that sat among other bakeries on the large kitchen table.

"Lucian! That is yesterday's cake. Please wait until we bake fresh ones," Sally said.

"But I can't wait, I'm so hungry now," Lucian said as he took a bite. "Mmm. It's good!" he moaned. "And I have to get going anyway. I don't want to be late!"

"Late for what?" Sally called as Lucian hopped outside, laughing joyfully, and leaving her question unanswered.

Humming cheerful tunes while he munched on the stale cake, Lucian flew over the dark and silent fields that stretched to the East of the castle, heading towards a nearby hill where he could best watch the sunrise. It had become a daily habit for him recently, to set out when it was dark and to watch the sunrise from atop the hill, enjoying the turning colors of the Eastern skies.

It was still too early, and as Lucian landed near his favorite spot, all he could see was the stretching valley beyond dressed in a veil of endless black. He shuddered. It scared him often, sitting amid this dark silence, not quite sure of his surroundings. The winged ones did not tolerate the dark very well, and that was why they possessed the gift of light. 

Lucian knew he could easily conjure a light sphere, but that would ruin his experience watching the sun as it rose out of darkness. He knew there should be nothing to fear, yet he couldn't help the feeling that there might be something hiding out there in the dark.

"Don't worry. The sun will rise soon and reveal everything," he murmured to himself, trying to keep away his irrational fears. But just as he started to calm down, a sudden cry pierced the dead-like silence. His heart sank to the ground, so did his body, and he gathered his white wings around himself.

He quickly opened his shaking palms and started whispering, "Oh light of Heaven I summon thee. Showeth me what I cannot see."

A small sphere of light appeared above his hands, glowing in a pale shade of silver blue. The squealing cries continued behind him, and as he listened more carefully, he realized it was the sound of a creature in pain. He started crawling, following the sound, while the blue light sphere floated before him, showing him the way.

Until his eyes fell on a small heap of black feathers lying above blood stained ground. A little black raven, bleeding and crying in pain. Lucian gasped and quickly reached out to hold the little creature.

"Poor thing! Where is your mother?" He carefully carried the raven, and he noticed that its wing was broken.

"Oh we have to fix this." He gently held the wing to see the wound. The raven's cries rose at the pain. "Hush, it's alright, don't cry," Lucian spoke gently as he held the raven close to his heart.

Faint purple hues stained the east, announcing the approach of sunrise. Lucian smiled and took out a handkerchief from his pocket. "Let's get your wound fixed then we can watch the sunrise together."

The sun was already high in the eastern skies as Lucian sat at the hilltop, cradling the bandaged little raven. He closed his eyes and inhaled deeply, indulging in the warm sunrays that bathed his face. He let out a long sigh, before he looked down at his new little pet that lay snuggling between his hands.

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