20. Unavoidable Destiny

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"Sir Mikal!" a strong and confident voice called, and all heads were turned towards the speaker who stood at the entrance of the great hall.

If Mikal didn't know Hilda's voice well, he would have mistaken the woman who stood before them for someone else. He watched in wonder as she gracefully walked into the hall, dressed in a long ruffled black dress, her usually dull brown hair styled into long shiny waves, and her often rigid lips now soft and painted in red. Her eyes too were dramatically defined, heavily lined in sultry black.

"What a surprise!" she continued in her usual mocking tone. "You look so well-groomed today Sir Mikal, I have mistaken you for a girl."

"Hilda!" Hilda's mother gasped.

Mikal did all he could to remain calm amid the chuckles that rose within the hall. He was just wondering about her inspiring transformation, but he was even more assured now that if nothing would ever change about that foul woman, it would certainly be her foul tongue. But how long should he act polite and ignore her never ending insults?

"Is that you Lady Hilda?" Mikal asked as Hilda reached his side. "Forgive me, I have not recognized you. I too have mistaken you for a girl." The chuckles that rose earlier broke into loud laughter. "It seems that you have finally listened to my advice about using mirrors."

"Don't listen to my brother please, Lady Hilda. You do look lovely on all occasions," Vilfred said sweetly, and Mikal rolled his eyes.

"That is very kind of you Sir Vilfred. I wish your brother can learn some of your good manners."

"Look who talks about manners," Mikal muttered.

"Come on, enough with the childish arguments." It was Bernard who spoke. "Let us announce the engagement."

Mikal stood tensely by Hilda's side. He still could not believe that this was really happening. He wondered what would happen if he suddenly declared right in front of all the attending guests that he did not wish to proceed with this engagement. In addition to losing Lord Frederik's support and gold, Bernard would definitely throw him out of the castle, if he didn't kill him first.

Mikal's heart was hammering as he held Hilda's hand, and he did all he could to stop his own hands from shaking as he carefully slid the engagement ring on her finger. A gold band with a citrine stone that matched the color of his eyes. To his dismay, she seemed much more composed as she put on his ring, a silver band with a black onyx stone. Such a tough and solid woman.

The guests cheered after the couple exchanged the rings. Mikal's mother hurried to his side, but he stood coldly as she smothered him with kisses. He knew that she was feeling guilty for pushing him to marry Hilda. And all she could do was kiss him as if he were a little child.

"My beautiful boy," she whispered as she kissed his forehead, "my beautiful smart boy." She kissed his cheeks.

"Sir Mikal." It was Hilda's mother who spoke, in the most polite and gentle manner. "I will not ask you to take care of my daughter, but I will only ask you to be patient with her. I admit she is such a troublesome child, but I assure you she has a kind heart. I truly wish you happiness and good fortune, my dear son." Mikal could only wonder how such a delicate woman could ever mother such a horrible beast of a child. Even Lord Frederik was a well behaved man. Why in the heavens couldn't Hilda take just one single good trait after them?

"Mother! What are you saying to him?" Hilda suddenly interrupted. "It's just an engagement. Don't take it too seriously! It's not like we are really going to get married!"

"Hilda!" her poor mother gasped, and the few surrounding people who heard her laughed thinking it was a joke.

The guests took their time congratulating the couple, while the slaves poured out drinks and filled the tables with food. Mikal and Hilda sat opposite each other on the main banquet table, yet none of them attempted to look at the other, let alone speak a word.

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