Chapter Seven

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it was now fall in seoul, an early monday morning, october was a nice change from the summer heat — it brought more rainy days and cool winds. two weeks have gone by and to say the sexual tension around the cheer captain and football captain was undeniable. it began to grow intense each coming day they tried to stray apart from each other.

ever since the "accidental ass eating incident" what jeongguk likes to refer to it as, eyes had been lingering on the two even more nowadays.

the whole student body, apart from some people who really couldn't give a fuck about high school gossip, knew about the two's drunken incident. the debacle turned into three clicks, one group being the ones who found the situation entertaining and cheered the two on.

two, those who highly disapproved of it because in their thought process it was a scenario that only favored them.

people are gay, karen.

finally, three, the ones who like i said, couldn't give a fuck and just wanted to graduate and just leave high school, because who the fuck likes high school.

though the incident had taken place almost half a month ago, the school would just not let it die down, especially jackson and mark. the two would constantly tease their best friends about how they finally stop being pussies about their little crushes and took action ... only to be disappointed that the two rarely spoke after that weekend.

it was now the end of the day, but before taehyung could go home, he had cheer practice and in all honesty, he wanted to leave so badly. it's not like he was dreading practice, well, he kinda was, but it was more because it was the same time as the football players were practicing.

setting down his bags on the bleachers, taehyung plops down on the seat as he waits for the rest of the team to show up for practice. deciding to pass time by reading some mangas, he sat there silently and engrossed on his phone. he cutely pouts when he hears loud laughter, he looks up to see jeongguk entering through the gates of the field with jackson, and oh holy hell was the male looking EXTRA FINE™.

dressed in the thirst trap that was grey sweatpants and a simple black tee, with his long luscious black hair, it made taehyung almost produce omega slick —almost.

he sighs in relief when he spots his cheer members starting to file in for practice and grateful that he can try to take his mind off of a said person, "tae!" a male voice calls out to him.

"oh, mingyu? is there something you need?" he asks confused, there was not a reason for someone on the football team, other than jackson and jeongguk that would have the guts to communicate with him, all thanks to his older brother.

"nothing much, you left your notebook in ap art history, i think you're going to need it for the exam coming soon," mingyu spoke awkwardly as he hands him the item.

he knew that jeongguk had a huge crush on the latter and he didn't want to cause a rift in their friendship. "uh thanks." taehyung thanks him cautiously as he looks behind the tall male to see jeongguk not so subtly crossing his arms in annoyance, causing his arms to flex — hot.

taehyung also spots the so-called "tongue poke" that jeongguk always did when he found something frustrating or is extremely jealous.

"well um ... i'll get back to practice now, see you later," mingyu says, feeling the glares that jeongguk was sending behind him. the male jogs off, leaving taehyung trying to avoid jeongguk's gaze.

"tae! c'mon we have to start practicing now!" seulgi shouts to him, taehyung nods his head and dips out of the situation with jeongguk.

practice had now begun for both the cheerleaders and football players, each team doing their things, but that didn't stop the captains from keeping close eyes on one another.

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