Chapter Thirty-One

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four years ago ...

graduation was around the corner for the seniors, the ibiza trip long forgotten as it left a bad memory for some. taehyung and jeongguk were still together, but their chemistry just wasn't the same anymore; the pretty cheerleader smiled less as a result of him being caught in such a dilemma. no high schooler was supposed to feel discombobulated at the mere age of eighteen but here he was conflicted about his relationship.

"tae? are you okay?"

"perfectly fine, what makes you say that?"

"because you're painting sad faces on the banner," mark points out, making taehyung look down at a bunch of messy sad faces, "are you and jeongguk okay? you two have barely spoken ever since we came back from ibiza."

"w-we're fine, bub. it's just with what happened during our first day there, it kind of put the mood off, you know," he replies, as he attempts to paint flowers over the sad faces.

"min taehyung," oh shit, full name, "you know you can talk to me about it. if jeongguk's supposed engagement is still putting a damper on your relationship then you need to talk to him again. i don't know why it's putting a strain on your guys' relationship since you both know you can't replace one another."

"i know i can, mark. it's just that, i don't wanna have you feel bad if something happens," taehyung truthfully spoke, "besides i think jeongguk and i will eventually talk it out-"


a text message was sent to taehyung's phone.



jelly, can we meet tonight
at the place we stargaze ??

yeah, sure


leaning against the hood of his car and looking up to the twinkling stars was always a perfect night for spending time with jeongguk, but tonight the air around the couple was tensed as this was the first time in weeks that they were alone. taehyung couldn't muster up the courage to utter a single word to jeongguk besides "hey" and left it at that. the question that the older had asked weeks ago remained unanswered and to this day he didn't even know the correct words to say to jeongguk.

so ... what now?

those words rang in his ears.

"it's a beautiful night."

taehyung looks to the side as jeongguk had finally spoken for the first time tonight, "yeah, the air is nice and warm, even the city lights look pretty-"

"-i think we should break up."


"we need to break up, taehyung."

"why? we're perfectly fine, jeongguk! there's no good reason for us to end our relationship." the male yells out, tears already beginning to well up in his eyes.

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