Chapter Eleven

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the sound of sheets rustling made taehyung stir in his sleep. after the many movies that the three males had watched together, they all crashed, not one ever waking up in the night.

opening one eye, taehyung made the effort to reach out for his phone on the nightstand, turning it on and checking the clock — 6:30 amit read. groaning out, he gets up and stretches, satisfied at the sounds of bones cracking.

yawning, he looks to the side of him, seeing mark still deep in sleep. taking one of his many pillows, taehyung smacks it right into mark's face, causing the latter to yell out loud, "tae! what the fuck?!" he complains tiredly, eyes barely opened while looking angrily at taehyung.

the pretty cheerleader smiles evilly, "hey, i was going to pour cold water on you, be lucky that i chose this option. now c'mon, we need to get ready for school."

taehyung skips out of his bedroom and down the hallway a bit, approaching a set of double doors, "get up little bitch!" taehyung screams out, as he enters hyunjin's darkroom, startling the younger in the process.

"yah! you big-headed, dick-sucking fucker!" hyunjin screams out as he launches out of bed, landing on the wood flooring with a loud thud.

"there's no cursing in this motherfucking household, bitch," taehyung spoke, "now get up, don't wanna be late for your first day back at school."


"hyunjin! hurry the fuck up, or i'm leaving you!"

"give me a second! i'm saying bye to mom!" hyunjin yells back, as he gives hyejin the biggest hug and quickly hops off the large porch and into the car.

"bye, baby bears! have a good day at school!" she shouts to the trio in the car from the patio, a big goofy smile forms on her face.

taehyung shakes his head, slightly embarrassed by his mom being so openly affectionate. he pulls out from the driveway and makes the way towards another hellish day at school.

the trio arrived at school and taehyung was breathing harshly as he sat down in his seat in calculus. he lets out a big sigh, getting through the doors of school was tough as is but walking with hyunjin was a fucking nightmare for him.

once the word got out that min hyunjin was back at school, people got overly excited and were practically bombarded at the entrance by rabid school girls, quite the contrary that hyunjin had boyfriends.

the male hisses slightly when he feels some scratch marks on his unbelievably, unblemished skin. looking at his arms, he sees some red marks starting to form on the surface ... great, now he has to deal with that bullshit every day again.

"tae, are you okay? you look a little roughed up?" sooyoung asks him, as she sat down next to him, a look of worry had struck her face.

seulgi was also with her, just to mention it.

"i'm fine, just a little out of breath, who knew my younger brother coming back would cause so much unnecessary chaos," he simply says, smiling a bit at the girl, "do you have any band-aids? i think i need a few."

sooyoung giggles, "of course i do, do you want a sailor moon one or sanrio? oh! bubs, your makeup got messed up by the underclassmen, lemme fix it for you — damn, they even messed up your lipgloss!"

taehyung smiles in contentment, he loved both seulgi and sooyoung, they were just the sweetest apples in his eyes, always there for him when mark can't be, "sanrio, you know i love the characters, soo."

"well if it isn't the lowly cheer team," a voice spoke out. the voice that taehyung hates so much, made him feel disgusted.

chunhei, captain of the volleyball team.

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