Chapter Fourteen

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two months have gone by since the night of homecoming and to say things were going great was an understatement. jeongguk and taehyung's relationship was going strong, at this time practically everyone knew that the two were now a couple, mark, of course, scolded taehyung for not telling him earlier but was still happy for the cheerleader.

the two spent the rest of october watching many horror movies and laughing at them, carving pumpkins together, going to the halloween festival, and giving out candy to kids on the day of halloween.

a/n: i may be the only psycho, but i laugh at horror/thriller movies because my cousin and i, make fun of them to the point where we laugh instead of being scared

now it was the holidays. the days that both of the younger mins were fearing, as all of their family and their boyfriends would be in one room.

"was a ten-foot christmas tree needed, momma?" hyunjin asks, as he exits the kitchen and into the house's main entrance, "matter of fact, were five trees needed?! who are we?! the kardashians?!"

"oh dear — no, but we're better." hyejin bluntly replies, as she continues to thread gold tinsel around the green tree, "can you be a dear and pass me the box of ornaments for me, jinnie?"

hyunjin hums as a response, turning around and grabbing the large box of unnecessary amount of christmas ornaments. carefully placing it down, he gives a small smile to his mom as she smiles back at him.

"when are your boyfriends getting here, baby bear? i'm dying to meet the boys who stole my little one's heart." hyejin teases hyunjin, who looks away — blushing hard.

"yeah, gotta make sure to pull the glock out when i meet them." a voice suddenly spoke, scaring both hyejin and hyunjin. they turn to face the open door and are greeted by a mint-haired male, along with a pink-haired stranger.

"yoongi hyung!" hyunjin shouts and rushes to his eldest brother, engulfing him in a hug.

"yah! hyunjin, let me put my bags down first." yoongi grumbles, but secretly loves the affection from his youngest brother.

"no! i want to hug you! i missed you so much!~" hyunjin shouts, hugging the male tighter as yoongi tried to release the grip from his body, seeing as he couldn't breathe properly.

finally dropping the younger male on the marbled floor, yoongi faces his awestruck mom as she smiles hugely at the arrival of her son.

"yoogie!" hyejin shouts.

"yoogie?" the male next to him asks, snickering at the nickname hyejin had called yoongi. the mint-haired male rolls his eyes and strays away from the topic of his embarrassing childhood nickname.

hyejin gasps at the pretty male standing beside her oldest son, "yoongi dear, is he the boyfriend you were talking about?!" she asks, freaking out a bit.

"i'm jimin, nice to meet you!" the shorter male introduces himself to hyejin and bows in respect, trying his hardest not to stutter or show his nervousness.

"oh, darling! no need for that, we're not that much of a formal family anyway, come here and hug me!" hyejin happily speaks, opening her arms up for the male to hug her.

jimin brightly smiles at goes for the hug, feeling the utmost warmth and love radiate from hyejin. the male lets go and retract back to his boyfriend's side.

"told you she'd like you," yoongi mumbles to the pink-haired male. jimin elbows him in the side, making the elder hiss at the contact, "where's taehyung, momma?"

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