Chapter Twenty-Three

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chapters sucks donkey balls

jeongguk nods and excuses himself from the table, taking his mom's hand and guiding her towards the living room area, for some privacy. sitting down with her on the couch, he looks into her eyes and speaks.

"talk about what?"

yongsun sighs, her red eyes were evidence that she had just been recently crying, and now facing her son made her break down into tears again.

seeing his mom cry made jeongguk's heartbreak, so he quickly brought her into his arm and comforted her tiny frame into his muscular build, "mom, what's wrong? you know i don't like seeing you cry."

the tears kept building in yongsun's eyes as she snuggled into jeongguk's embrace, "i lost my job!" she cried out, her chest having a tight feeling at the confession to her son.

"i'm so sorry about that, but you're a great lawyer, mom. i'm sure there are plenty of job offerings for you, especially with your reputation in criminal justice." jeongguk tries his hardest to console his mom, even though he had no idea what was going through her boss's mind when they fired her.

"that's just it, jeongguk. i can't get another job! someone is blackmailing every single law firm from accepting me in any position! the case from last year with the rapes being videotaped and that whole scandal with those group of men, someone paid off every single person involved in that to testify against me and say that i made it all up and paid the men to do it so my reputation as a lawyer would go up! it's unfair, everyone damn well knows that they are guilty, but if that blackmail gets out, i can go to prison!" yongsun lets out, bawling her eyes out.

jeongguk was pissed as he listens to his mom let out all her pain, feeling the anger build up inside of him.

that specific case took a huge toll on his mother last year and to say it was a very sensitive topic in the media and for yongsun in general. the woman was made out to be a horrible person for just doing her job and putting away the bad guys, and bringing justice to the women that were harmed in the process; his mom deserved none of this bullshit.

in the end, she was the victor in all of it, as she served her purpose and put the group where they all belonged, in prison. it was absurd how money held so much power in this greedy world. who would go to such extreme lengths to do this to his mom?!

"sweetheart, i don't wanna go to jail for just helping those women get the justice they deserve! why now out of all times do i have to be going through this! i just wanted to raise you and jeongin in peace, the only money i have left is in my savings! we can't just live off that." yongsun rants, still sobbing into jeongguk's chest.

the male didn't know what to say, he didn't know if he was going to get a scholarship in football. it would carry the weight off his mother's shoulders if he did get one, a strong woman like her didn't deserve any pain.

but he did vow to find out who was doing this to his family, trying so hard to break down yongsun. continuing to comfort the woman, jeongguk looks up to see the mins silently watching, solemn faces across every one of them ... hell, even the dog.

"jeongguk, i don't know what i'm going to do for a job. i've tried so hard for years to earn my position and i get it taken away from me because some rich bastard is blackmailing everyone! i feel like i'm starting to fail as a mother, i can't financially support you and jeongin anymore, and i can't even stop your greedy father from trying to marry you off to some snobby rich bitch!"

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