Chapter Twenty-One

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"hyung? are you okay?" hyunjin calls out to taehyung, as the latter was spaced out whilst walking around the large mall.

taehyung shakes his head to exit that space, genuinely confused on how he was able to get sidetracked so easily, "um, yeah i'm fine. just thinking about something that's all."

"okay ... just don't get too distracted, your small self could get crushed in here easily," the younger giggles, and tightly held onto taehyung's hand as they trail behind the large group of boys, "are you and jeongguk hyung okay now?"

"you could say that. i'm just hoping there isn't more unnecessary drama in the future." taehyung responds, as he looks through the windows of the stores.

hyunjin smiles, "well ... quit being distracted, you said you would help me pick out a few outfits for the school's week-long trip abroad."

oh yeah, how could taehyung forget about the annual trip their school had held for the juniors and seniors. this year's location was ibiza — which was a change of scenery from last year when they went to milan.

a/n: i think i made a mistake earlier in the story
somewhere but hyunjin and the rest of stray kids
are juniors and not sophomores!

"you have plenty of clothes in that walk-in closet of yours, why do you need more clothes that you'll probably end up not wearing after one use?" taehyung questions his younger brother, as he holds a playful look on his face.

"because i wanna stunt like the bad bitch i am, you can't tell me you don't want to show off some new outfits for your boyfriend, maybe some lingerie?" hyunjin spoke as he smirks.

"yah! don't be discussing that stuff in public?!" he screeches as he hits the back of hyunjin's head, the latter yelling out an "ow".

"whatever you say, it's just a suggestion, hyung." hyunjin responds as he shrugs his shoulders.

"shut up. now, are we going to look at clothes or discuss my undergarment wear for the next few hours?"

"i mean there's a sale at the lingerie shop," the younger mischievously spoke, as he wiggles his eyebrows at taehyung, which only annoys the elder more.

"min hyunjin! i swear to the heavens above!"

"yeah yeah, same old shit — now shut up and let's go get some clothes and lingerie for you," hyunjin spoke as he dismisses his brother's threat.

it was a nice feeling to relax and shop around with his brother and his friends, even though it felt like babysitting a group of five-year-olds, they were still pretty helpful in picking outfits, so that was a bonus of today's adventure.

"taehyung! oh my gosh! is that you?!" a voice screams out, catching the attention of the pale pink-haired male. looking up from the clothing rack, taehyung spots a familiar face quickly running towards him ... he gasps when he finally recognizes the person that yelled his name.


taehyung's mouth gapes open in surprise when he sees his friend from so long ago, jung hoseok. he was the very first friend that he ever made in school and he hadn't seen the latter since he moved away to los angeles due to his parents' new jobs at a hospital there.

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