Chapter One

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the first time taehyung had laid eyes on jeon jeongguk was the day their junior year had started, the latter had just transferred from a school in busan, as he had moved to seoul for a "new change". the feminine male stared from afar, the view from his lunch table was the perfect angle, as he watched jeongguk interact with the football team, seeing as he was to join the team.

he bites his plump lips, that was layered with expensive lipgloss, admiring the way the athlete's muscles flexed in the plain white t-shirt he wore. it made taehyung feel tingly in his stomach, and his bottom region.

the large cafeteria, cleaned and prestigious — figures it's an expensive school to attend as is, but even the whole array of food couldn't distract taehyung from looking at the real buffet across the room

fuck, i just want to see those arms flex when he fucks me rough and calls me his whore.

he licks his bottom lip as he continues to daydream sexual fantasies about the raven-haired male.


he snaps out of his sex dream and glares at the culprit who dared to interrupt him during his alone time in his head, "what, you whore!?"

mark widens his eyes at the rudeness of his best friend damn bitch, he was tryna get your attention.

the lavender-colored hair male scoffs at him, "well damn bitch, no need to shout even louder — are you going to eat your food or not? you spent like twenty bucks on it."

"oh." he looks down at the table and sees his food selection, he starts to pick at the food, not interested in eating as of now.

"okay, what's up with you? you've been spacing out for the last fifteen minutes ever since we first sat down at this table." mark questions him, narrowing his eyes, expecting an answer out of the latter.

taehyung blows a breath of air out, tapping his prettily done acrylic nails against the table, "it's the new student."

mark turns around to look at who taehyung was talking about, "oh! do you mean jeon jeongguk?" the silver-haired male squirms in his seat whilst continuing to look at the latter, continuing his inappropriate thoughts, "you want him to fuck you, don't you?"

"fuck yes," taehyung groans out, "but so far i've just been creepily staking him from afar, and also i don't even know his preferences!" he whines and lightly bangs his forehead onto the table.

"oh, i think he has an instagram, jackson showed me it earlier, he should be in his follow list." mark nonchalantly says as he sips from his strawberry milk.

taehyung bounces up and down in his seat, the excitement imminent in his body tone. he goes ahead and pulls out his phone and looks up his best friend's boyfriend's instagram page and immediately goes to the following list.

where the fuck is he?

jackson doesn't even follow a lot of people.

OH! jjggukie? I FOUND HIM.

he clicks onto his account, but he was hit with even better news than he anticipated.

he clicks onto his account, but he was hit with even better news than he anticipated

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fucking score, he likes dick!

mark furrows his eyebrows when he hears taehyung squeal, "what's going on? you look like constipated. did you find his instagram?"

"oh, i found something even better." taehyung responds, as a cheeky grin plays onto his face.

with no hesitation, he clicks the follow button.

with no hesitation, he clicks the follow button

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i hope you guys like the first chapter, the next one
is getting published later today! please give me any feedback on this, i genuinely hope i won't disappoint my readers with this one !!

1/29/22 : it's currently three am and i'm going through a breakup, so instead of feeling sorry for myself and crying — i've decided to edit this atrocity and possibly update it while i'm at it

backup account

xoxo, lili

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