Happily ever after

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Quick A/N
Thank you guys so much for 100 followers honestly didn't think I'd pass 50 but u guys amaze me :)

3rd Person POV~~~~~~~~~~~~

Dipper and Bill had an amazing love story. One would say they really did have a happily ever after.. Or so everyone had thought

Bill had proposed to Dipper after being together for two years. Their wedding was one of the most fairy tale weddings they have seen. A venue outside in a clearing in the forest surrounded by pinetrees and a beautiful outdoor party with a clear blue lake near by

Both had tied the knot once Dipper had turned 17

Stayed together for a year before adopting a child together. Both excited and nervous. Everyone supporting them. Dipper having to manage not only a child but also going to school was tough but everyone supported no matter what.

After five years together something had happened

Causing one of the love birds to choose. A road with paranoia, or a road with no more love. In which one of the lovers had to choose the best option

For their family

For their love of their life

For everyones safety

And so then....

Dipper Cipher Pines...

Had divorced Bill Cipher Pines

The happily ever after everyone had thought would never end had ended....

With only one question on everyone's mind


~~ 4 years later~~

Dipper's POV~~~~~~~~~

" Aaron are you ready to go?" I said as I knocked on my sons door. Today I had to take him to his other dad's house. Bill's. Mabel couldn't take him today because she was really busy with her store. No one else could take him to Bill's either so I had to take him

It scares me a little and im nervous. I haven't taken him myself in two years. I haven't seen Bill in that long. It makes me sad but I have to push my feelings away. The court said Aaron was allowed to stay with Bill every weekend until his eighteen and he decides for himself on which house to stay in. I don't get it but I wont argue with the court

" Are you ok mom?" Aaron said looking at me weird. I shook my thoughts away

" Uh yeah sorry. Are you ready" I said trying to smile. Aaron knows the situation between me and Bill and I can tell he knows im nervous

" Yeah. You sure you want to take me all the way to dads house. You can always drop me off at the dinner and I can just wait for him there" He said trying to calm my nerves. I shook my head 'no'

" I will be fine. I think it would do me some good to finally see him. Even if its just for a few minutes" I said calmly. He nodded understanding, and we made our way to the car

I tighten my grip on the steering wheel as I got closer to his house. I felt a hand on top of mine. I looked over to see Aaron smiling at me with confidence. I smiled and squeezed his hand as I parked the car in front of Bill's house. Aaron kissed my cheek and left the car. I turned the car off as I slowly gained my confidence to leave the car

After a few seconds I got out and walked to the drive way before I saw Bill on the porch saying hello to Aaron. Our eyes met and I felt something I tried losing a long time ago

I saw Aaron enter the house and Bill made his way towards me. I stood still in the drive way as he walked towards me. I felt so nervous

" Hey pinetree Its been a while since ive seen you" He said calmly. I saw him so close up I forgot how he looked. After two years. I felt my face heat up as I saw his fluffy yellow hair and his light tan with his freckles that scattered across his face

" Pinetree?" He said again confused. I looked away embarrassed as I heard him slightly chuckle

" s-sorry. How have you been?" I asked trying not to be so nervous

" Do you really want to know? or are you just trying to be nice?" He said a little sad

" N-no I really do want to know" I said nervous he didn't believe me. He chuckled again before answering

" Ive been better. How about you?" He said calmly

" I guess I can say the same" I said chuckling

I shouldn't be here.... but theres no way he can see me here.. Why the hell would he be anywhere near here.. I want to stay and chat but I cant be seen here for so long

" Pinetree. Do you think we can have dinner sometime. I know this nice place about two hours away from here? if you want that is.." Bill said calmly and nervous

" Don't read my mind" I said annoyed

" But... I would love too" I said quietly. I smiled as I saw his face light up

" Ill pick you up at six Friday?" He said looking for my approval. I nodded in agreement

" Sure. Bye Bill" I said waving good-bye. I made my way to the and drove off

I felt so excited and nervous. I couldn't wait

But I shouldn't be doing this. This is against my agreement. I might sacrifice something big over something so small. I shook away my thoughts as I began to think about where he could possibly take me

I just cant wait to see what happens

I just hope I don't mess up and make my agreement backfire against me

I just want everyone to be safe

Even if I sacrifice my happy ending

That's the end of this chapter! Hope you guys enjoyed. See you all next chapter!


Oh btw, I hope those of you who have been following me for a bit can take the time to read my announcement story thing. I just wanted to address it since not many people have read it and I feel bad about the situation so please. Thank you!

Also! Be careful outside. Remember to wash your hands and stuff. We don't want more people catching Corona

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