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Dippers POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~




I jumped up quickly. I looked around to realize I had slept in Bills car for who knows how long. I heard Bill chuckle

" Are you ok?" He said slowly calming down. I felt my face heat up

" umm. yeah, sorry" I said calmly. I got out the car. I looked around to realize we were outside a forest. I looked at Bill confused

" Bill? Where are we?" I asked as I continued to look around

" Well were in Gravity Falls. I know there's this place in the forest in this direction with a pretty clearing I thought you would like to see" He said calmly. I looked at him confused before he grabbed my hand and dragged me into the forest. I felt my face heat up from his touch and I tried not to be seen. Without a warning Bill started running pulling me along as he never let go of my hand

" BILL SLOW DOWN" I yelled scared of tripping. I heard him start laughing and soon I joined in. I don't know how long we ran but it was long enough for the both of us to lose our breath

Bill fell on his back dragging me along and I ended up falling on top of him. I felt my face heat up from how close our faces were to each other. I looked into Bills eyes before he started laughing and I joined him. Soon enough I got up and helped Bill up as well

I looked around the clearing we were in. He was right. It was beautiful. There were fireflies around and flowers all around the place. It looked a little like a fairy tale forest

I walked around and sat down near all the flowers. I picked a few and started making something for Bill. A thank you I'd say

He soon joined me near the flowers and we talked about random things. After a few minutes I finished my gift

" Hey Bill. Can you do something for me?" I said calmly. He looked at me confused

" uh sure pinetree?" He said confused. I chuckled

" Can you close your eyes real quick" I said. He looked at me unsure but went along with what I said

" I guess" He said calmly. He closed his eyes. I placed a yellow flower crown on his head. I guessed on it and my guess was really close. It fit him a little big but you can barely tell

" Ok open them" I said happily. I saw him open his eyes slowly. He looked at me confused and I kind of lost it. He looked so cute in that moment. I felt my face heat up. I tried to cover it but I knew he saw it

I saw him touch the flower crown before taking it off

" Don't take it off" I said sadly. He looked at it before smiling

" I just wanted to see it" He said calmly as he put it back on. I smiled as he leaned back on a tree

" Pinetree you haven't changed a bit" He said

" Well I can say the same about you" I said jokingly. We both chuckled. We continued our talk and I wish we could stay like that forever but I knew I shouldn't even be here

Why cant I leave things behind?

Why cant I just listen?

I made a deal and yet here I am.. slowly breaking it.... But I don't want to leave.... At least not yet..

Time flew by fast. Before I realized it I got a call. I checked my phone to see Aaron had called me

" Sorry Bill, its Aaron" I said calmly. He shook his head smiling as I answered

" Hey dear" I said calmly. I saw Bill smile and I rolled my eyes at him

" What time are you getting back? Its already 11" He said confused. I was shocked. Its that late. I checked my phone and he wasn't kidding it was 11pm

" Oh im sorry I wasn't paying attention to time. Did you eat already?" I said a little worried

" Yeah Stan made dinner. Should I go to sleep or wait for you to get back?" He said confused

" Its your choice. If you want to sleep over then I would suggest sleeping already. But if you want to go back home i'll be there in a few minutes" I said calmly

" I mean... If you're having a nice time then we can just sleep over I wont mind. Unless you want out?" He said jokingly. I laughed a little

" No, but it is late so either way i'll be heading back soon" I said smiling

" I'll stay up then. See you later mom. Oh tell dad I said hi" He said happily. I chuckled

" Ok, I will bye" I said and hung up the phone. Bill looked at me confused

" He said hi" I said smiling. He chuckled and got up

" That kids something" He said quietly. He helped me up

" That better have been a compliment" I said folding my arms. He smiled

I couldn't help but stare at him. Fireflies flew around behind him and he just looked soo. Ugh I cant

I couldn't move. Its like I got attached once again. You'd think its easy to follow someones words but it more difficult than I thought

" pinetree?" he said quietly. He looked at me like I looked at him

Bills POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I looked at pinetree and I couldn't help it. The fireflies that flew around him. He looked so cute. His chocolate hair and eyes. I just continue to fall for this kid. But last time something happened

I don't know but it felt like time had stopped for us. Like nothing else mattered. It was just the two of us. I had an urge

An urge I haven't had in a long time

Its like everything before never happened.

Without realizing it I got closer and closer to him. And soon our foreheads touched

"bill?" He whispered confused. And soon I lost it. I kissed him. I closed my eyes and grabbed him from his waist pulling him in

For a few seconds he stood still before soon kissing me back. I felt happy. We continued to kiss for a few more seconds before he pushed me back

I looked at him confused and I saw his eyes begin to water as he covered his mouth

" I- im sorry b-bill but I... I cant do this... not here" He whispered. I saw a few tears leave his eyes as he looked at me sad

" pinetree I-" But before I could finish he started running off

" PINETREE WAIT" I yelled. I ran after him but I lost him in the thick forest

Great. Now I lost him



That's the end of this chapter. Hope you guys enjoyed. See you all next chapter


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