Not the Only Insane

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Aarons POV~~~~~~~~~~~

I got ready to go to the mystery shack with mom. As I got ready I heard mom and dad arguing about something. I wasn't sure what it was about though.

As mom drove to the mystery shack we sat in awkward silence. Once we made it there he left to the attic with auntie Mabel. I could hear mom ranting to Mabel about something. I decided to ignore it and head to the shop. There I saw Wendy. She said hello and we had a small conversation before Stan yelled at her to work. I said good bye and decided to sit out on the porch. As I was leaving to head outside I could feel someone glaring at me. I turned around but no one was there


I sat on the couch outside. Honestly I was just bored

Soon Dad's car pulled up

"Hey kid. Where's everyone?" He said calmly as he stood in front of me

"Well moms with auntie mabel and stans working at the shop with Wendy and im not sure where ford is"

"Oh great." He said clearly annoyed

"Whats with you and mom? I heard you two arguing earlier"

"Its nothing. Don't worry about it. I just hoped he didn't talked to Shooting star but he clearly did and now im gonna get a death threat and a murder stare from her" He said tired. He walked inside and I followed behind him.

Just our luck Mabel and Mom were just walking down the stairs


"Shooting Star"

They two of them said calmly. Mabel walked into the living room without another word and mom just followed her without saying a word. Dad sighed before going to the living room as well

We were all in the living in awkward silence. Dad and Mabel were having a staring contest and mom was reading a book. The T.V was on but no one paid attention to it. Ford walked in soon breaking the silence

"Hey Bill think you could help me with something?" He said calmly. He looked a little bad. He had light bags under his eyes and he had this aura that was weird

"Umm sure I guess" Dad said confused. Everyone else looked at the two shocked. Cant blame them.

The two walked away as Ford discussed what he needed helped with. Mom closed his book and placed it down on the couch as he got up

"Alright I need to go follow them" He said calmly.

"Why? Arent you mad at him? Besides whats Ford gonna do? He seems pretty chill with the two of you which is a little shocking even now but still" Mabel said as if it was nothing

"Yeah exactly why I need to follow them. Fords like a snake, you never know when hes gonna jump out and attack you. He's been way to chill about me being with Bill" Mom said worried

"And even if I am mad at him that doesn't matter he's still my husband" he said before leaving

"Great. Now I'm gonna go follow him so he doesn't do something that will get him killed. This should be the other way around if you ask me" Auntie Mabel said before chasing after mom

"And now I want to join.." I whispered quietly
"Family outing kid, hurry up let's go after them" Stan said scaring me in the process
"When did you get here?" I said confused
"No time to talk, hurry before we lose em" Stan said grinning as he followed Mabel.
So much for just Ford and dad

Bills POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
We were walking deeper into the forest. It all felt very sketchy. But I went along

Once we've reached a very small opening Sixer completely stopped in his tracks
For a moment it was silent before he turned around


I closed my eyes as the bright lights blinded me
What the hell?

As I cleared my vision i saw a strange cube surrounding me
"What the fuck is this Sixer?" I said confused as I touched it. It acted like a barrier I couldn't pass

"I'm not sure what it is but I'm pretty sure you're the one whose been making me so crazy things" he said angry and clearly paranoid
"What are you talking about?" I said now more confused
"Well what do you think demon? Someone's been controlling the way I talk, and how I think, someone's been putting words in my mouth and I can't help but conclude it's you. And after so many years I've finally been able to break free from your spell" he said grabbing his head with his hands.

I just stared at him for a moment questioning at this point my own existence

"What the actually fuck Sixer. You've lost me at the first controlling. I can't exactly do anything to you without someone or even you making some kind of deal with me and quite frankly it's been well over what ? Like twenty years I don't even remember, since I've last made a deal. So In other words it's not me now what the hell is this?" I said continuing to touch the weird cube

"It's a cage made especially for you. I've been perfecting it. You can't escape this time Cipher. I've got you now and the only way I can truly know is if I kill you right here right now. Then I won't have to deal with you controlling me anymore" he said as he began to point some kind of gun
Great another invention

I held my hands up, can't exactly use my powers here. Trust me I've tried while he was sounding crazy

"Uncle Ford what are you doing?!" I heard from behind. I turned around to see pinetree. He looked shocked and worried
"What does it look like kid? I'm trying to stop this demon from entering my mind and controlling me" Sixer explained still sounding paranoid

"Pinetree just leave me. I can't exactly escape this and I really doubt you know how to get rid of this, no offense darling" I said smiling at him. He crossed his arms and gave me a quick glare before returning to panic
"Doesn't matter I can't leave you here" he said before someone else joined us as well

"Oh woah. What's that? Ford? What are you doing with that gun?" Shooting star said as she got closer to us
I sighed as I knew two other people weren't that far behind from her either

"Please just leave before the other two get here" I said trying to stay calm. But as soon as I finished the other two appeared as if I was the one summoning them to this confused party

"Oh my god, dad? Ford? What is that thing?" Aaron said as he stood behind pinetree starring at me and Ford

"It doesn't matter. I'll give you the courtesy to say good bye before Cipher is gone forever" Ford said frustrated by this point
"Wait what?!?" The four said while I stood unamused anymore as I watch the crazy in Sixers eyes

Seriously is he mad? And I thought I was the insane one of the family...


It's nice to come back to writing, even with a small idea on how to end this story. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed this story, sorry for the long wait my break was longer than intended. As always I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! I will continue to have very slow updates sadly but better than none I suppose. With that I will see you all next chapter

AND on last one I want to thank all of you guys I've almost reached 200 followers and I find that crazy. It might not be much like other people but I'm so happy nonetheless. I really appreciate all of you who read, comment, and/or follow me it really means the world to me! <3


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