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Dippers POV ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I calmed down before continuing to explain what was going on

I explain to Mabel that someone had threatened Bills and Aaron's lives if I didn't break up with Bill and I had only less than a week to make up my mind. Soon she understood why I had divorced someone I fell so hard for.

"I'm so sorry Dipper I didn't know. Listen I might not always stay true to my word all the time.. especially when we were younger but I'm here for you truly and honestly. I don't want you to just let someone stomp all over your happy ending. You were happy with Bill. VERY MUCH CLEARLY! and plus hes the only one that listens to you and you know what that mean?" She said getting jumpy

"What?" I said confused

"You know him the most and the best... Like the back of your hand and you clearly still love him which means you should go march up to the fearamid and tell him that you want to talk things out but in the fearamid. When he lets you in the fearamid make sure you two are alone ok? and then your going to tell him exactly what happened and what caused you to leave and pretend to fall out of love you got it" She said determined for me

"But mabel I cant do that! that goes against the promise I made. And besides what if Bill doesn't believe me and tells me that im lying and that im only doing this so he can stop spreading chaos." I said worried

"Then tell him that you don't want him to stop. Tell him the only reason your there is because you want to make things right. And if he doesn't believe you then simply leave. Tell him your sorry and tell him that you wish him the best luck and to keep care of Aaron while your gone. Theres not much you can do but if you feel the need and you believe its for the best then ask him to make a deal with you" Mabel said calmly. She had determination in her eyes. Its clear to me that she wants me to at least tell him the truth... and I cant really argue with her on that.

"What deal would I even make if I think that's best?" I said trying to see her view on the whole situation

"Well dip.... That choice is on you. The deal should be seen as a last resort. If you think you need to make a deal with him to prove you aren't there to make him look like a fool or anything then you find a way to make the deal benefit both of you. And besides its Bill which mean you need to make it clear he cant bend the deal" She said pointing at me to make sure I understood. I smiled before rolling my eyes

"Of course I know that"

"But do you really Dip?" She said teasing me. I punched her arm lightly and we both laughed

"I'll leave you to think about your move. Im going to go get some Mabel Juice" She said proudly leaving the attic. I rolled my eyes once more before laying down on my bed.

Well great.... What am I going to do now?

~~Small Time Skip~~~~

Next Morning

We all gathered around the dining table. With some creatures and people from the town here with us we started making a plan to get Bill to stop.

As we talked about different ideas we decided to do something similar to last time

We all got in groups, each assigned a different task to get the plan started


**basically doing the same thing again. ya know**

I felt worried. I didn't want them to kill him or send him away or hurt him but I couldn't say anything. I thought about what Mabel told me and im honestly at a lost of words. I cant decide and it kills me

**A/N- honestly I can never decided on anything like ever... ANYWAYS! back to the story**

Either way now it was too late for me to do mabels whole plan even if I wanted to, we already have everything ready

~~small time skip bcuz im too lazy to write the fight scene -_-

The mystery shack was broken and everything we worked hard to get ready was now scattered around the ground. We weren't able to even get in the fearamid this time.

We retreated back to the forest and set up shelter in Fords old lab that was hidden underground. I decided to try out Mabels plan she had suggested to me before.

I stayed up all night waiting for everyone to sleep. Once I knew everyone was asleep and Mabel was keeping watch I headed out. She wished me luck and told me to stay safe

I walked with encouragement until I reached the end of the forest and I started to panic. I didn't know what I was going to do if I got caught by the flying eyes. I walked around carefully before I finally reached the fearamid.

A thought clicked in my mind. I stood tall before yelling out to Bill. I yelled with all I had, calling his name until he appeared in front of me. His golden eyes stared into my brown eyes annoyed

"Jeez, Mason what do you want? Are you crawling back to me because you don't want to die or something?" He said annoyed

I wasn't sure what gave me the strength and courage to look at him calmly and speak to him without fear

"No, I came here because I wanted to talk to you.. privately, in the fearamid" I said as calmly as if we were together again and I simply wanted to talk to him. As if I wasn't risking my life and his right now

"Why? Are you just gonna lie to me and make me out to be a fool again? Because if you are just save your breath"

"No... Bill I just want to talk to you, I promise this isn't some kind of prank or some stupid thing my family force me to do to stop you or whatever. I- I just want to clear my conscious and finally stop making myself feel worse because I know as a matter of fact that this was all my fault and if I wasn't so worried about you and Aarons safety we wouldn't be here right now. So please Bill just let me talk to you in the fearamid in private... Somewhere where no one will hear us. It'll be safer for me to tell you everything" I said slowly breaking down as I spoke

He looked at me worried but didn't say anything

He snapped his fingers and we were in some kind of home office

"My office is the safest place in the fearamid"


That's the end of this chapter!

Hope you guys enjoyed And ill see you all next chapter


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