Forest Yell's

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Dippers POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I ran. I didn't know where I was but I didn't stop. I ran passed his car. I ran for who knows how long. But after a while I made it to the town. I knew this place like the back of my hand so I ran all the way to the mystery shack. Soon I stopped catching my breath as I walked to the porch. I wiped my tears away calming down my breathing before opening the door

" Aaron? Come on lets get going" I said as I walked into the living room. I saw Stan sleeping on his chair and Aaron playing on his phone. He looked at me happily before his smile fell

" are you ok?" He whispered. I nodded and walked out the room to the door. I got my keys as Aaron made his way out the door. I unlocked the car and we got it

We stayed silent the whole car ride. I parked on the drive way and got out. I opened the door and waited for Aaron to get inside before locking it again

" Ok well its really late so you should go to bed now" I said calmly

" Aww come on mom" He said annoyed. I smiled as I slightly pushed him towards the stairs

" Come on get going" I said calmly. He went up the stairs and I followed behind slowly

" Goodnight Aaron" I said chuckling after as he closed his door. I entered my room and I just lost it

I got on my bed and sat in the corner with tears in my eyes. I thought about my life choices from the past. I needed to find a way to stop this feeling. I made a deal I cant break it. Not now

I started crying. I tried so hard not to cry out loud. I cant remember exactly how long I stayed there before finally going to sleep

~~~time skip~~~

Its been two days since the "accident". Luckily Mabel was able to take Aaron to Bill's house for me. I couldn't help but cry all night. I couldn't help it. I couldn't hold my feelings anymore

It crushed me to see him sad. But I couldn't do anything

I promised

I promised

i promised

for their safety

Bills POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I decided to walk around the forest to take a breather. Aaron was at a friends house so i had about an hour. I walked around for a while. Just listening to the forest sounds

I heard footsteps but i ignored them. I continued walking closing my eyes. But soon i bumped into something. Or well Someone

" Shit.. sorry i- Pinetree?" I said confused. He looked up at me with scared eyes

" I- uh. Im sorry. i'll get going" He said before quickly getting up and walking away

" Hey wait pinetree" I said grabbing his arm

" Can we please talk. About what happened between us-" I said before he cut in

" Bill what happened was a mistake. Im sorry if i was leading you on i didn't mean to.. I didn't mean what i did. I don't know what happened to me but please just leave me alone. It was a mistake to go to the dinner. Listen it was great talking to you but i don't want to make anymore mistakes" He said his eyes a little watery

" Pinetree? Are you ok? is everything ok back at the shack? Listen i get if it was a mistake it was my fault for even kissing you. I just want to know why you kissed back. Because if i remember you could have easily pushed me away and said-" But before I can finish my statement he cut me off

" OH MY GOD BILL!... Listen..... I don't like.. I didn't know how to react to it so I just went along. I already said it was a mistake why cant you just take my word for it. I don't like you Bill if anything I dislike you so can you please just leave me alone. I don't want anything to do with you and I don't want some stupid mistake make you think I want us to be something more than what we are now. If anything I want something less. But for legal reason's I cant leave this stupid place because you cant leave this GODFORSAKEN TOWN BECAUSE YOUR DEMON SHIT WONT LET YOU LEAVE WITHOUT SOME STUPID CODE SHIT THAT YOU TRIED GETTING LONG AGO. LISTEN JUST LEAVE ME ALONE. I HATE YOU AND THERES NOTHING MORE TO IT OK. SO PLEASE LEAVE ME ALONE ABOUT THIS SHIT. ITS ALREADY HARD ENOUGH FOR ME TO SEE YOU WITHOUT REMEMBERING EVERY GOD DAMN DAY OF MY MISTAKE" He yelled with so much emotion. I felt water fall down my face as I saw him closing his eyes shut as he yelled. His eyes were red and he glared at me

His words were like poison and it was painful to hear those words. This time... the pain wasn't funny or hilarious. It hurt. Like I've failed thousands of times to rule the word and im only digging myself even deeper in my anger

Without thinking through about my plan I yelled back

" Fine. If that's how you feel about us.. About me.. THEN YOU CAN GO FUCK YOUR SELF. IM SORRY I THOUGHT WE COULD GET BACK WHAT WE ONCE HAD. IM SORRY FOR EXISTING AND NOT BEING ABLE TO LET YOU LEAVE THIS SHITTY TOWN. I'M SORRY IM A DAMN DEMON FROM FUCKING HELL THAT CANT LEAVE THIS DAMN TOWN BECAUSE OF YOUR FUCKING UNCLE. SO DONT START BALMING SHIT ON ME THAT I CANT CONTROL. IM SORRY FOR TRYING" I yelled with anger. I felt more water fall down my face. I could feel myself burning which meant I must have turned red. I glared at Dipper before turning around and walking away

" wait Bill.." He said quietly. His voice cracking from sadness

" Don't" I said as I warning as I continued to leave

I might as well leave this damn place

At least by me leaving I don't have to worry about pinetree being sad

Or maybe

Instead of leaving

I could just end everyone

who says I cant? There's no one here for me to protect expect for Aaron. But I've made him part demon which means he could just join me in the nightmare realm. Or help me rule this damn world


That's the end of this chapter! Hope you guys enjoyed. sorry for the sad tears that might have fallen in this chapter. I'll see you guys next chapter


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