Dinner? or Date?

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Bills POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I made my way to Pinetrees house to pick him up. I felt happy he actually said yes to the dinner. I can't say who he was talking about but someone didn't want him talking to me which made me question who exactly

I parked on the driveway and got out. I knocked on his door and waited for a few minutes
" coming" I heard from inside. I chuckled. Pinetree always in a rush. Like old times
" sorry for the wait" he said as he opened and closed his door. His eyes widen when he saw me with flowers
" You always told me to get you flowers so I thought I would bring you your favorite ones" I said calmly. I saw him smile and blush
" You actually listened to me on that. I've always joked about it. But... thank you" he said happily taking them. I walked with him to the car opening his door. I remember at first he would joke about how I wasn't being formal by not opening his door for him

At first I didn't understand the point of it. I guess I wished I took advantage of his tips and jokes before we got divorced

I shook my thoughts away as I closed his door. I made my way quickly to the driver side and soon drove off. The first few minutes it was awkward silence before I started asking questions
" So how's it like watching Aaron during the week?" I asked. He looked at me weird before answering
" I'd assume the same as when you watch him during the weekend" he said smiling. I shook my head in disagreement
" There's no way he acts the same with you" I said calmly
" what do you mean?" He said smiling more
" Well explain how he acts with you" I said smiling at him. He looked at me with a 'really' face. I stayed silent as he finally gave up
" Hmm I mean I wake him up an hour before I take him to school and then he's there for most of the day and when I pick him up he's usually tired or bored. He's sometimes quite but other times he opens up to me. There's someday where he tells me what happened at school. I help him with homework for like four hours. I thought I would leave everything about school when I graduated but no it comes back" he said a little annoyed but still smiling. I chuckled as I listen to him continue on
" we have dinner, sometimes I take him to the mystery shack but that's usually when G- never mind...." he said sadly. His smile disappearing
" Anyways when I get his report card and he's done a good job with keeping his grades up I take him anywhere he wants. I remember one time I had to drive like three hours just to take him to a fair that was around" he said smiling once again, which made me smile
" he sounds like a nerd with you" I said calmly. He looked at me in disbelief
" don't be rude he's your son too you know" he said defending him. I laughed as he slightly punched my arm
" Yeah, yeah I know. But I'm correct. He acts different with you than he does with me" I said smirking. He looked at me confused
" How so.." he said calmly
" Well i mean he doesn't really open up to me. There's some situations where he will tell me something personal but it's never something that big. He tells me if he's bored and I sometimes take him where ever. Like a small adventure. All I can say is he definitely got his adventure and curiosity from you pinetree" I said smiling. I saw him blush from the corner of my eye

" anyways he's usually up in his room playing games or sleeping. At least we eat together that's when we talk about what to do that day." I said calmly

We went the whole trip talking about our son and about random things. It was fun and no longer awkward silence. We spent about half an hour left of our car ride just listening to music on the radio

I parked outside the restaurant. I got out and led pinetree to the inside. We were soon seated at a table near the window that looked out to a forest

Ironic huh?

Dippers POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I cant explain how much of a nervous wreck I was. I was so scared of messing up

Bill was being such a gentlemen it was a little shocking. Don't get me wrong I always joked to him about all the things he misses every time we used to go out together. But it was only jokes I never knew he actually listened to them

" Pinetree?" Bill said concerned. I looked at him confused

" This is just a harmless dinner together stop worrying" He said calmly. Smiling as well. I looked at him confused before I realized I might have looked scared

" o-oh yeah I uh I know that.. its just.... its been a while" I said stuttering. I felt a little embarrassed to tell him. He just shook his head and smiled

We soon ordered our food and then we slowly started talking about random thing again. It went like that the whole dinner

I tried paying for my food but Bill said he had invited me so he was paying. He wouldn't budge so I let him pay my meal. Although I felt bad

We headed back to the car and got it

" I have a little surprise for you pinetree" Bill said excitedly. He turned the car on and drove off into the night. I looked at him confused

" What is it?" I asked

" Its called a surprise for a reason pinetree. You'll know when we get there" He said calmly.

" So its a place huh?" I said grinning. He looked at me annoyed but then chuckled

" Ok, ok that's the only hint im giving you" He said calmly. I rolled my eyes as I turned to look out the window. I watched the open road pass by before it changes into the simple forest of Gravity falls

I guess I was tired because I soon started sleeping


That's the end of this chapter! Hope you guys enjoyed. See you next chapter


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