Real Talk

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Dippers POV~~~~~~~~~~

I calmed down before saying anything

"Im sorry.... I lied to you-"

" Maso-"

"DONT CALL ME THAT! You never called me Mason, Im not mason to you. Im pinetree. Im your pinetree.. nothing is going to change.... Please just let me explain before you cut in" I said calming down again. I didn't mean to yell or anything but I couldn't help it. He kept quiet

"I lied to you first when I talked to you about a divorce... I never stopped loving you. I lied to you first by saying I didn't love you anymore like before. sigh, He didn't like us being together and at first the threats didn't matter to me. I knew one day it was going to be said or done. I just wished it was on my terms and not his... I lost ALOT for you.. and by me losing so much for you I never realized he would make me lose you too... Bill... I-

I love you...

and by forcing my feeling away I made myself truly believe I didn't love you... Until we started seeing each other more often and... I ended up falling for you a second time... but I knew.... that if I told you I loved you.... he-  he would have killed you and Aaron... and everything I lost because of you would come falling down on me once you two were gone and then what?

I probably would have ended it all.... I would be having this conversation with you most likely in hell once I gave up.... because for me... theres no point in living if you and Aaron weren't here anymore..." I couldn't hold it anymore and broke down in tears. I tried to control myself but I couldn't

I said everything. I laid out all my feelings for once and everything hit me hard.

I cried on the ground letting everything go because I didn't care anymore

Ive risked so much for you... just to talk to you right now... and I don't even know why anymore.... because I love you so much.... or because I decided this is my end...

I guess it because I love you so much

That ive decided to give my life for yours....

I felt arms around me as I continued to break down.

"pinetree-  y-you need to stay strong. Just like always... You're not my pinetree.

Because my pinetree is strong. He doesn't care what anyone thinks about him anymore.... Heck hes risked his life for everyone he loves... my pinetree doesn't cry because of some nobody! He ignores them and finds a way around them" He spoke calmly. He didn't sound mad, or annoyed. I calmed down after. I wiped my tears away and faced Bill. He gave me a small smile before help me up

"Sounds a little cheesy don't you think? I wasn't that brave..." I said calmly chuckling after. Bill smile wider

"But its true! Who is this person anyways? You really think anyone has the ability to kill me or Aaron. We both are some kind of demon" He said rolling his eyes before messy with my hair

"Hey! W- well you'd think so anyways... but this person isn't like any other person.... Its umm its Ford" I said looking away from him. I kept my eyes glued to the ground as silence surrounded us awkwardly

I looked up slowly to see Bill red with anger. He glared at me with his black eyes and I started panicking

"Sixer?" He said calmly with hidden rage. His voice was dark. I was still panicking so I nodded slowly

" Sigh.... Youre telling me Sixer threatened you... by saying he was going to kill me and Aaron?" His voice slowly changed back to normal but still held anger

I nodded once again

"B- but please just hear me out before you do anything to him just yet" I said panicking again. He looked at me confused and I calmly explained my plan

" I know this might sound kinda sketch and everything but just listen... I have an idea on how we can get Ford back"

"Im listening" He said folding his arms

" Ok. You send a letter or some form of message to my family saying that you captured me and that they have a 'certain' amount of time before you 'kill' me and once they start to panic they will come up with plans to come get me back. Once they get here you trap ford separately from everyone else and then I will appear and explain to everyone whats going on and ill tell them the whole truth and what ford put me through and then once everyone understand you can kill him if you want. We can get Aaron on the plan as well or just keep him safe somewhere so they don't get him. Knowing ford he might use Aaron against us if anything" I said as if I had rehearsed my plans for hours. Bill gave me a curious look before smiling

"Alright then pinetree, lets do it... When do we start?" He said smiling. I gave him a small smiled before answering

" Right now.."


That's the end of this chapter! I hope you guys enjoyed and ill see you all next chapter


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