A Happy ending after all

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Dippers POV~~~~~~~~~~~~

I explained to Aaron the situation with me and his dad. It was one I couldn't stop blushing because Bill wouldn't stop interrupting

" Well, once it was confirmed you were in a coma, your dad decided to drag me out of your room after spending four days here without leaving."

"Yeah even the doctors couldn't drag him out when they tried to explain that visiting hours were over" Bill snickered. I slapped his arm as I felt my face heat up

" Anyways! He took me to go eat and walk around a park. We talked about the whole situation with Ford and agreed on trying to start over"

"After you cried on my shoulder, repeatedly saying sorry for leaving you" Bill said grinning. I glared at him

"Yeah and after you begged me to take you back because Ford cant say anything to me now. May I remind you how you were on your knees pleading" I said annoyed at him. He said nothing put pouted at me, crossing his arm he looked away from me

"Wait... hahahaha.... You begged mom to take you back.. Pfft hahahaha" Aaron started wheezing. I laughed along while Bill glared at us

I spoke once again after we had calmed down.

"Then we explained to everyone what we agreed on and they supportive us. Mabel threatened Bill like she did a long time ago. Bill took me on a small date three days after he first dragged me out of this room."

"Was it nice?" Aaron asked, a small smile on his face

"Yeah, it was" I said happily. I looked over to see Bill smiling warmly at me


The doctor told us that Aaron was going to be discharged today. I was glad he was getting better. Once we left the hospital Bill took us back to the hotel we were all staying at. Once we got there Aaron was attacked with a bear hug from Mabel.

"OH MY GOD YOURE OKAY. THANK THE HEAVENS JESUS CHRIST!!" She yelled as she suffocated him in the hug

"A- auntie... I cant- breathe" He said. He took a big breath as she let go of him

"I'm sorry I was just worried" She explained

"Why did you say thank the heavens? You realize he's part demon right?" Bill said confused

" Shut it Dorito, you have no right to correct me" She said crossing her arms turning away from him. I stifled a laugh as she walked away

"I mean... she not, wrong?" Aaron said looking at his dad. It was only then I couldn't hold it in any more and laughed

"Listen here boy, I'm your dad YOU have no right to correct me" He explained crossing his arms and walking away like Mabel. I couldn't help but laugh


We went back to gravity falls. Agreeing to take the bus back because it was something me and Mabel did back when we were younger. Aaron also wanted the experience. We cant say that Bill was that happy about it...

Well more like by popular vote we agreed to take the bus back

Once we made it back it was a little chaotic. Having to get Bill's things from his house to mine or I guess ours again?

Either way it was not at all easy


There's a chance I could have prevented all of this. If I had talked to Bill about it. Instead of being scared. Cant blame my fears for being quiet

I can wonder how life would have been like if me and Bill never divorced in the first place. How it would have worked out so Ford wouldn't kill either of them.

Maybe a normal childhood for Aaron. I was too busy crying for what I lost I forgot what I still had. Even after being snapped out of it I still wouldn't stop the tears

You would think they would have dried but no. Who knows what would have happened if I was able to not waste my tears like that

But I wont dwell on it now. Not when I got what I lost a long time ago back again. I don't have time to wonder. Who knows if they will be taken away from me again. I have to make this time count

"Pinetree come join us" Bill said throwing a water balloon at me

"Bill!" I yelled, I got up quickly. Grabbing a water balloon from the bucket I threw it at Bill before he reacted. Laughing when it hit him

"Watch it Pinetree" He said with a grin

Running around the Mystery shack with everyone. Stan getting fireworks out when the sun was gone

It was nice. To be a family again


That's the end of this chapter. And the end of this book sadly. And im really sorry I took so long to update this story. Like I really have no excuse except procrastination. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed this book. Sorry if it wasn't as good as my other stories. I did just kind of throw this book together as I wrote it. I had no plan for it honestly

But that's besides the point..

I hope those of you new to my story and/or account check out my other stories/books. I'm currently working on a new and better written version of my most popular book, AKA my first book.

that's it for now, remember its not a Good bye from me but a see you later

Hope to see you guys in the next book!


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