What the Fuck 0.0

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Dippers POV~~~~~~~~~~~~


It felt as time had slowed downed

I felt as if my heart completely dropped before I could see what ha actually happened. I guess the saying of how a mother always knows came and decided to mess with me.

I didn't see blood paint Bills trap for Ford, I saw it painted on his throne

Ford stood with a glare starring behind us. The feeling of losing everything came back to me as I turned around. Time stopped fully for me as I starred at my son

I was ready to fall on the ground and screams in terror but the shock made me moveless

There.... at the foot of Bills throne.... laid my only son..... my other world.... my other love of my life... on the ground with a bullet in his chest

Without a second thought I ran towards the throne. I ran and tried to stop the waterfall of blood leaving his body. Seeing his dark red blood leave his body this way was something I was not prepared for. I wasn't prepared to save him from this kind of damage. Especially from a gun by Ford

"Aaron... please... you need to keep your eyes open for me.. please" I said as the tears I didn't realize I was holding back came crashing into my eyes

"Mom?" He said shaky


"I- I love you.." He said as a tear fell down his face

"I love you too... but youre going to be okay, okay?" I said still trying to stop the blood

"No" He said shacking his head

"Mom... I love you.. I love dad..... Im sorry" He said crying more. I shook my head

"No, no youre going to be okay. Don't say it please.... please.."

"Im sorry I- I didn't listen to you or- or dad. But I cant... Im sorry.. I love you" He said before closing his eyes. I panicked more

"Aaron don't. Open your eyes. Please... Aaron? AARON!?" I yelled as I tried to wake him up. no matter how much I tried he wouldn't open his eyes. I cried out to him as I held his body close to me

"please... please aaron"

I felt arms wrap around me but I didn't pay attention as I continued to cry my heart out.

With all the stress I had and how panicked I was I completely passed out

Aarons POV~~~~~~~~~~

I tried comforting my mom before I couldn't hold on any longer. I didn't see the light at the end of a tunnel though. But I also didn't feel like I was being burned or saw flames that could lead me to hell because... Well I am half demon...

I looked around. I was in a room with a brick like pattern with cracks of red light. Maybe Im on the way to hell... Who knows at this point.

The room completely changed in a blink of an eye. I was now in a black and white forest. I looked around again but other than the trees and bushes there wasn't anything that fascinating

Alright, if this is hell than a lot of us don't have it that bad in the end. Church addicts HAVE to be on SOMETHING else. Just saying

The forest turned into color with another blink of an eye. I saw my mom but he looked a little younger. But I mean the only real difference is the height and maybe more fluffy hair?

"Mom?" I said confused. But he didn't move. Okay?

I saw my dad appear out of no where. He covered moms eyes. He had a warm smile on his face

"Guess who?" He said containing his laughter. I saw a smile appear on moms face

"hmm.... Is this... the love of my life" He said laughing after. Dad removed his hands from mom walking infront of him

"Oh~ so im the love of your life pinetree?" He said grinning as he looked at mom

"Never mind. Wrong person. Sorry Bill I guess I have mistaken you for someone else" Mom said trying to keep a straight face as he turned around ready to walk away from Dad.

Dad grabbed him by his waist, turning him around and pinning him to a tree

"How cruel of you pinetree. And here I was getting my hopes up high just so you can come and crush them" Dad said putting a hand over his heart. The two laughed together, I watched them a little shocked

I never truly saw the two of them this happy together. The years we spent together weren't a lot for me to fully remember and the rest of my memory of the two was Dad getting upset that Mom was avoiding him and trying not to look so hurt every time Auntie Mabel dropped me off at his house. Or Mom trying not to look upset for the first year of their divorce.....

or how dad looked liked the embodiment of life completely crashing down

The place continued to change. I saw parts of their lives together and even when they were apart. I couldn't imagine how happy the two looked together. Even their adventures together made me star struck.... But they slowly got darker the farther their lives I saw.

All in all I learned things that were kept from me. And how Ford put so much pressure on mom. jus the complete hell mom went through just because of how much he loved dad

I couldn't believe all the love they had for each other or how much Mom really did sacrifice. Heck, he lost all his friends and family in California, except for his mom and Auntie Mabel. Literally just disowned him for being gay. Because they thought when Ford said "Dippers dating a guy whos a demon" they just thought 'oh he's gay and the guy he's dating is like satan'

I felt bad for mom. Truly

I just hope I somehow survive to hug mom and just fucking salute him or something like holy shit..

Bills POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I had teleported Pinetree and Aaron to a hospital in California. I stayed waiting for Mabel and the rest to get here along with any news the doctors might have about Aarons condition

I just hope the bullet didnt do any big damage


That's the end of this chapter.. Honestly almost cried just typing out the beginning. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. I'd understand if I completely crushed you guys on the unexpected attack. And ill see you guys next chapter!


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