New plan/Introduction

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Mabels POV~~~~~~~~~

I was just about to trade places with Wendy when Bill appeared out of no where
Wendy was about to throw her axe before he spoke

"Woah there ice bag. I just came to drop of this letter. I thought it would be better for you, or maybe just me. Oh well" and just like that he was gone. But not before showing his iconic and annoying grin

I read the note that appeared in my hand

Dearest of Pines,

Your loving Mason has come to me in the mists of the night. I was shocked that he had come crawling back to me. However, I have since cared about him and he has made it clear to me before that he neither loves me and want anything to do with me. So I simply may say...
if you want your dearest nephew/brother back then I suggest you do it quick before his time runs out here in the fearamid

You All have three days before the sun sets on the third day to get him before he is long gone.


I was shocked. This was my fault. I shouldn't have told him to go

I cried as I gripped the paper in my hands
Wendy read it and quickly hugged me. We both made our way to the hidden lab
Wendy explained the situation as I broke down and my best friends surrounded me. Everyone fell silent and I lost my temper

"We have to get dipper back before the time Bill gave us runs out. I know I shouldn't be playing the blame game but this is all my fault and now I just want to go get my brother back before it's too late" I said with determination. They looked at me concerned but agreed

We spent the day figuring out how to get in the fearamid and defeat Bill. As we planned both Grunkle Stan and Ford pulled me aside

"Kid, why did you say it was your fault Dippers captured?" Stan said worried, while ford looked curious
"Well.... we had a talk after Bill passed by the shack to get Aaron. B- But nothing happened..  me and dipper talked in the attic about why Bill didn't call him Pinetree-"

"Wait- Bill didn't call dipper pinetree?" Ford asked completely shocked and confused
"Yeah he called him mason. Dipper explained to me that.... uh, that they got in an argument.. and that he believes he got him pissed off to the point of setting chaos around us." I saw the look Ford was giving and remembered the talk with dipper. I changed the story a little to be safe

"And what does this have to do with you being at fault" Stan said still lost

"I told Dipper that he should go to the fearamid and talk with Bill about- about stopping all of this and setting an agreement on their argument that started all of this" I said. I was still being cautious just in case. I just want to protect my brother right now and not accidentally getting him killed a second time

After our chat we got back to work putting ideas together

Hopefully we'll get my brother back soon

Dipper POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I watched the town below me through the window of the fearamid. Bill had given me my own room so I could be a little more comfortable. I heard a knock on my door before it opened. I looked over to see Aaron. I smiled before getting up quickly to hug him

"Mom! How are you? Are you ok? What are you doing here?" Aaron said confused and worried. I chuckled a little at his expression

"Im ok. Im here to make things right. But I don't want you to worry about me im fine, how are you? are you ok being here?" I said as i lead him to the bed. We sat down having a small conversation

"Im fine. Dad gave me my own room too. I don't really talk to anyone here, i find them a bit weird." Aaron said quietly

"Yeah, that sounds about right... Have you met your dads friends. Im sure Pyronica loves you, or she will." I said as i remember when i had first met her. She was kind but also chaotic. But that's everyone here

"I don't think i met her yet. Ive met Eight-ball and pacifire, i believe his name was keyhole or something"

"How about we go see if shes here. She will be excited to see you" I said happily. He looked a bit uneasy but i held his hand and left the room. I led him around the fearamid to the main room

As we walked towards the room music could be heard. It got louder as we reached the door. Aaron stopped before i could open the door

"I- i don't think its a good idea to enter. It seems they are having a party. I don't want to disturb them" He said worried

"Hey, its okay. We'll be fine. Promise" I said holding up my pinky. He looked at me still with worry

"Promise?" He said quietly. I nodded with a smile.

"Ok then.." He said calmly. I grabbed his hand once more before opening the door.

LED lights lit up the room and fog covered the floor. I looked around the sea of monsters and weird creatures as i searched for a pink demon. We walked around the dance floor before i spotted her. I moved quickly to not lose her

"PYRONICA!" I yelled through the loud music. She turned around confused before she spotted me heading towards her

She jumped up quickly excited to see me. I waved at her with a smile. She ran towards me and hugged me
"YOURE HERE!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" She yelled confused and excited

"DONT WORRY ABOUT IT!" I yelled. She nodded and quickly dragged me out of the room

"Whose that?" She said as she looked over at Aaron. He hid behind me embarrassed

"This is Aaron. He's my son" I said moving so she could see his face

"OHH your son with Bill. Its nice to meet you. You are such a cutie!" She said happily. She quickly gave him a hug excited

"Hi pyronica" He said losing his breath. She let go of him and patted his head

"Wow i cant believe he's this big. Last time i saw you was when you were barely dating Bill. I cant believe how long its been."

"I know. I wish you could have came to visit. But you know the situation" I said sadly

"Of course. Its fine at least i get to see you again" She said happily

"Well then lets get back to the party. We don't want to miss it" She said happily. I nodded in agreement as we headed back

Before entering the room i turned to Aaron

"You know, you don't have to come back if youre not comfortable" I said understanding

"Thank you" He said happily and relieved. He hugged me before leaving. I entered the room with Pyronica

I stayed at the party until i got tired. It was nice to meet Pyronica again after so long

Im not sure i want to go back with my family so soon. But i know i have to tell them


That's the end of this chapter! I hope you guys enjoyed and ill see you all next chapter


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