Falling in love.. again?

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Bills POV ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

After walking around the forest I found the perfect spot. I created different summoning circles and chanted different spells as one by one my henchmaniacs returned

"Bill?" They said confused to see me
"I need a bit of back up. We're taking over this realm once and for all" I said smirking after
They looked between each other before smiling and cheering

I snapped my fingers as we entered a few different realms each containing a different part to help rip a hole between the nightmare realm and the stupid meat sack realm

It was going to take some time but it would be worth it. It pained me to say good bye again to pinetree but he made it clear I wasn't welcomed

~~~Time Skip~~~

Three days later~~~

Dippers POV~~~~~~~~

I cant help but feel depressed all over again this time it was more painful to leave him than last time. I couldn't take it, the feeling of being overwhelmed by what my heart wants and what's logical

I didn't have much motivation for anything after getting back home that night. So I dropped off Aaron again the next morning. I didn't want him to worry for me. I didn't want to affect him while im being depressed all over again

I stayed all day crying and watching the T.V. I didn't feel like eating much. I did exactly what I did when I first left him. I fear this would be an endless cycle of regret and depression

Truly the only thing keeping me alive is Aaron. I want to give him a normal childhood as I can and have the ability to give him. I don't want him to be depressed because I didn't think it was worth living anymore

As I wiped away my endless tears the house began to shake. I quickly left only to see the sky turn and orangey red and dark clouds appeared

oh no...

Mabels POV~~~~~~~~~~

We were all outside the mystery shack seeing the Fearamid and the big X take over the blue sky once again

" AWW COME ON!" I yelled annoyed. I thought we were over this. What happened now??

"What do you mean Mabel?" Aaron said looking at me confused. Before I could say anything Dipper's car came to a stop just outside the shack

"Are you guys ok?" He said filled with worry

I could see light bags under his eyes and his more than usual pale skin. I may be blind sometimes but I knew Dipper like the back of my hand! And I know for a fact hes sad

"Were ok mom. What going on though?" Aaron said as he walked up to dipper giving him a big hug

I gave dipper a worried look and I know he understood what I meant

"Your dad decided to do something stupid.. Again." Dipper said walking up to the porch holding Aaron

Aaron looked at us confused before the devil himself appeared in front of us.

"Speak of the devil" I said rolling my eyes

" Hello to you too Shooting star! Mason..." He said happily before turning cold seeing dipper

Now I knew for a FACT something was wrong. I glared at Bill as he stood in front of us fixing his bow

"Ill be quick. I wanted to take Aaron with me to the Fearamid, show him around my place" He said happily

"Tch yeah sure, all youre going to do is talk bad about us and turn him against US" I said angry

"Mabel calm down" Dipper said quietly

"Of course I know its not my decision. But its also not your decision is it Shooting star?" He said a little annoyed, but I could care less

" Aaron?" Bill said more calmer

We all looked at Aaron and he seemed overwhelmed. I cant blame him its a lot of pressure to put him in

Dipper whispered something in his ear and he nodded giving him a hug. Aaron walked over to Bill and looked at the ground embarrassed

Bill smiled warmly at Aaron before looking at us and his face change

"Are you sure?" Bill said calmly looking at Aaron. They exchanged a glance before Aaron nodded. And just like that they left

"What did you tell him?" I said looking over seeing a crying Dipper

"Bro-Bro?" I said worried

" I- I told him to g- go.." He said wiping his tears trying to calm down. I hugged him trying to calm him down 

A few more minutes passed before Grunkle Stan and Ford finally showed up from the store

"Are you kids okay?" Stan said worried

"Did Bill show up?" Ford said already mad

"N- NO" Dipper said starting to cry once more. I was about to say yes before he jumped in. I wasn't sure what exactly was going on but Dippers hiding something and he's protecting Bill

We are definitely going to talk about what's going on with him

We all entered inside. I dragged Dipper to the attic

"Dip whats going on with you? And don't lie to me because I know you and you having bags under your eyes is not a good thing. Maybe it was normal when we were 12 but were older now and you haven't had bags under your eyes since Aaron could finally sleep a whole night without crying" I said crossing my arms

I saw him fidget with his sleeves before finally talking

" I- I- I just can't take it anymore. I try to stay strong.. and I've fooled myself for a while.. but falling for h-him... telling him I don't love him.. hurts me more the second time than it did the first"
He said breaking down

I hugged him tight and rubbed circles on his back trying to calm him down
"Who did you say that to? Falling in love again?" I said completely lost


That's the end of this chapter. I hope you guys enjoyed! I will see you all in the next one

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