This is Okay

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Quick A/N

Im really sorry if this doesn't make sense or if there is some confusion. I wrote like half this chapter in like September and I barely just got back to finishing it. But im also too lazy to go back and read what I wrote.

Back to the story...

Aaron's POV~~~~~~~~~~~~

I stood watching my dad enclosed in a box with Ford pointing a weird gun at him. I was so lost in what was going on?
What happened to him not caring? I thought I changed things?

You may have changed what he's said in the past, however, you forget that this is now the future and you choose to stop changing his words and thoughts

This, dear child, is his own thoughts now. Not the ones you've changed

A dark voice spoke in my head and it seemed to make everything around me stop.
What? His own thoughts? But I-

Oh god

I've made a mistake....

"I've known all along that he wasn't trust worthy and now I'm going to make him pay for messing with my mind all these years" Ford spoke in frustration. The crazy in his eyes make everyone shocked


The ringing noises filled the quiet forest
I finally returned from frozen stance

"Wait Ford! My dad has nothing to do with making you say anything or think about anything-"

"Don't start you demon child. You may not be fully what your father is but you are still half a demon" Ford said in anger. He never looked back, he melts his glare at dad as if he looked away he would be gone

"NO! You don't understand... he wasn't the one that made you feel nothing when my mom told you about him and dad being together... I was." I said clearly
He finally turned around confused but still mad
Everyone else looked at me shocked
I stared at Ford with no emotion as I continued to finally explain myself

"I didn't mean for this to happen. I didn't know that changing the past would affect our lives much more than it did before... the truth is *sigh* i was tired of hearing mom cry at night when ever he was forced to see dad

I was tired of having to go to two separate houses every now and then, being dropped off at dad's by Mabel because mom didn't want to look at the man that he fell in love with again

I was angered by you, you choose to blackmail mom into forcing a divorce that he didn't even want but had to because he loved me and dad so much he didn't want to lose us because you choose to be mad at his decision for a happy ever after just like the movies and the stories told us

I hated seeing my family separate by anger, blackmail, and over all just sadness. I wanted my normal childhood with two loving parents and a family that respected each other and if that meant making a deal with some other version of dad then I guess I'd take it because I did

I met dads twin and I agreed to his terms and now I don't know what I've done" I spoke losing my breath quickly and soon I broke down in tears
I fell on my knees and cried as I felt my mom hug me and everyone else stared in shocked

Once I opened my eyes everyone was frozen and the green covered forest was now black and white just like before.
I quickly wiped away my tears as I looked at my once colorful family to the grey almost stone like now
What's..... going on?
"Are you happy with your new time line?" A familiar voice spoke
I looked around and spotted dads twin standing next to him
"No, not at all"
"I thought as much, you see, you must be grateful for the timeline you are given. Playing god can be stressful and can lead to situations like these. Granted maybe not all the time but in this case you choose to control someone's mind and feelings.

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