Maybe I was Wrong?

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Dippers POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

In all honesty, it hurt me so much to yell those words. It crushed me even more to hear him yell at me with anger

We've never fought and even if we did it wasn't long until the other apologized and we forgave each other. But this time. I couldn't apologize. I said those words to get him to stop getting closer to me like before

Him saying he wanted to give us another try broke my heart. I couldn't just go up to him and hug him tight and tell him how much I love him. How I couldn't tell him how much I want our family to get back together. And just tell him that I was forced to say those words


I just couldn't.....

Not while the forest has eyes and ears. Not while we're in the open for anyone to listen. Not while I can break everything far more with my words and let my family die like it's nothing. I couldn't risk putting them in danger

Not a life risk

Not my best plan

But also not my worst

I wish I could go after him but I can't. What would I say? Nothing. Not without having to explain what's going on. So..... I keep my lips sealed

For now......

Bills POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I made it home. My eyes wouldn't stop letting water fall and I no longer cared. I saw myself in the mirror, eyes red and stains under my eyes from the water

Stupid meat sack feelings....

Why do they hurt?

***Self-harm warning *****

I had heard from a few people's dreams something some meat sacks do when they feel sad is cut themselves. They say it helps feel a different pain. I didn't think much of it before. So...... I decided now would be the time to try it out

I've never been in pain........... not this kind of pain

I made my way to my bathroom and summoned a razor. A common one those meat sacks have said they used. I wasn't sure what I was doing...

Like at all....

I thought back to what I've heard and just did what I remember them saying
This ones for being stupid

This ones for falling for a meat sack

This ones for loving someone

Another for my mistake

Another for being a damn demon

For grounding pinetree into not being able to leave

For the pain that's not funny

For giving someone something so big

Only for it to break

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