In Motion

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Dippers POV~~~~~~~~~~~

I was talking with Aaron in the main room. I told him the story of the last time this happened. But halfway through the story I was teleported in a cage. I was confused. I looked around the dark room

"Hello?" I said quietly but no one answered

"Aaron?" I said trying to look around

But nothing changed. I sat down confused. It was too dark for me to see any way to escape

Your plan is in motion


I looked around confused. I guess my family is already here. I hope no one gets hurts

Aarons POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I looked around the room confused

One second my mom was telling me a story the next hes gone?

"Mom?" I said confused. My dad appeared soon looking out the big triangle opening

"Don't worry kid. I teleported your mom somewhere safe for now" He said calmly

"Oh, ok. Whats going on?" I said confused. I walked up to him and saw some kind of machine approaching the fearamid

"WHATS THAT?!?" I yelled confused

"Your moms family. Go to your room. Your mom doesn't want you to get hurt while they are here" He explained. I looked at him confused

"Why would they hurt me? Im old enough to stand on my own. I know what to do if im caught" I said a little annoyed I have to leave

"Trust me kid, your not ready to stand against Sixer" He said still facing the machine that was quickly approaching us

"I think I can handle him dad-"

"Fine then... You want to stay here then stay near my throne got it" He said looking at me a bit angry. I nodded not wanting him mad at me. He looked back at the machine that was only a few feet away from us

I quickly made my way towards his throne made of statued town-folk

I watched as dad's friends appeared ready to attack

Bills POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I watched how close they got to the fearamid before sending my henchmaniacs to attack them

It seemed as though they planned more carefully than before. I got more demons to attack their creating but at last it failed

They entered the fearamid. Everyone in the summoning circle except for pinetree

"BILL! GIVE US BACK MY BROTHER" Shooting star yelled

"Why would I do that exactly?" I said calmly

"Stop wasting time demon give him back!" Sixer yelled angry

"Tch, why do you want him back? I thought you hated him" I said with a smirk. He looked at me confused before being enraged

"Stop with your lies" Someone else yelled. They began to yell all at once before I shut them up

"Jeez, and I thought this was going to be a nice family reunion" I said before turning my back on them

"Just give us Dipper back and we'll leave" Shooting star said

I snapped my fingers

Soon appeared Pinetree in a cage. He looked around confused before spotting his family. He looked at them scared?

Dippers POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I looked at Ford scared while he glared at me. No one seemed to notice and it scared me

"DIPPER!" Mabel yelled catching my attention. She tried to run to me but Bill trapped them in blue flames

"MABEL!" I yelled trying to be worried

"Well then lets get this show over with shall we?" Bill said calmly. He placed Ford in the center of everyone. Trapped in blue flames he looked at Bill with anger and confusion. He snapped and the cage I was trapped in was opened

I stepped out calmly. I walked towards Bill. I saw Aaron near Bills throne lost

"Bill... I thought I said Aaron wasnt allowed here for his safety" I said confused as I looked over at Aaron

"Pinetree I tried but he wouldn't budge. Besides hes fine near the throne" He said calmly. I rolled my eyes before hitting his back

"And you couldn't teleport him to his room?" I said confused

"That's not important right now. We are in the middle of something" He said pointing at my family and friends

"Right..." I said looking over at them

You still couldn't have teleported him.. Or threaten to ground him?

"Pinetree This isn't the TIME" He said annoyed. I crossed my arms calmly

Any time is time for thinking about your kids safety

Pinetree if you don't shut up right now im ending our deal

Youre still gonna kill him anyways because you hate him

Bill smacked my arm and glared at me. I chuckled not being able to hold my self together

"Alright, alright enough with this stupid argument. Ford..... Can you answer a question of mine..No bullshit answer either... please" I said calmly

Kids safety is your priority what about the language youre using

I didn't answer Bills comment

"What is it?" Ford said glaring at me

"Why did you start threatening me when I started dating Bill.. And even worse when we go married?" I said calmly. He looked at me confused but I could see the anger in his eyes

"Because I was trying to protect you. You're not safe especially with a demon like him" He said angry

Everyone else gasped as they heard what was going on

"Can you finally tell everyone what you've done before something else happens" I asked. He glared at me before pulling something out of his jacket

Bill snapped his fingers causing Ford to be trapped in some kind of clear cube

"He wont be able to shoot anything in there" Bill said calmly. I nodded before he did the unthinkable

"You think its gonna be that easy for me to spill my secrets. Never. What I did is unspeakable on my beheave. Im not going to give you the luxury of killing me off after I tell everyone everything" He said pointing the weapon to his head. I looked at him with wide eyes

"NO WAIT-" I yelled. But it was to late



That's the end of this chapter! Hope you guys enjoy this chapter and ill see you all next time


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