Changing the past

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Dippers POV~~~~~~~~~
I woke up in a hospital room with a small headache. I saw Mabel sitting down with her head on my bed
"Mabel?" I said quietly. She lifted her head up quickly

"Dipper you're awake! Thank goodness" She said relieved. She hug me happily

"Where's Aaron? Is he okay?" I said panicked as I remembered what happened

"At the moment he's fine. But the doctors say he's in a comma, good news is he should wake up any day now so that's a relief" She said calmly. I sighed letting go of my worry

"C-could I go see him?" I said quietly. She thought about it before answering me

"I think its best if a nurse checks up on you before you start getting up. Just incase, we don't want you falling again" She said trying to bring light to the situation. I nodded understanding

"I'll go get the nurse. Be back soon!" She said happily leaving. I waved her good bye as she left through the door. Not a minute pass until the door opened again. This time it was Bill

"Bill?" I said quietly and confused. I wasn't sure he would be here honestly

"Hey pinetree Feeling better?" He said

"Better than before" I said calmly. The air around us was awkward. The silence was killing me a little

I felt a hand on mine. I looked to see Bills hand over my pale one

"I think you would like to know that I sent Sixer to a prison in the nightmare realm" He said grinning. I laughed at how proud he looked

"Yeah, I guess it does make me feel even better... Have you visited Aaron?" I said slowly getting worried again

"Of course, he still hasn't woken up yet though. I cant use my powers on him since he's not exactly full demon" He said sadly

The room became quiet once again. But Mabel's voice broke it once she entered with a nurse behind her. Bill said he was going to get us lunch before leaving

Aarons POV~~~~~~~~~~~~

I liked watching how close my parents were and how funny my Auntie Mabel was with them.

The situation made me feel sad I wasn't able to live with them like that. It sucks only remembering having to leave one house to another every week or weekend. And moving to the Dad's house during the summer

But I cant be sad right now. I can at least see them happy together instead of wondering how it was like. I get to see it first hand

My favorite memory of the two has to be the one were Dad took mom to the gravity fall fair. Even though the whole thing was kind of a scam by great uncle Stan

Once the memories finished the place turned black. Then it was the forest again. Someone who looked like dad except Blue appeared

His hair was down and long. They wore an eye patch on their left eye

"Hello Aaron" He said quietly. His voice was sweet and innocent

"My name is Will Cipher. Im your fathers twin brother" He said calmly. I looked at him a little shocked. Twin brother? You look more like younger brother?

"haha. Actually, believe it or not im older than Bill by a few seconds" He said happily. I looked at him more shocked

"Wait, wait, wait.... Why are you here? And why do you look so much younger. You look my age. Maybe even younger" I said confused

"Im here to give you an option. And I got more of our mothers genes while Bill got more of our fathers. That's why I look so young, and well Bill is more into manly stuff than I am. B-but that's not important right now" He said flustered at the end. He cleared his throat before continuing

"You have two options. You could either restart your life, or you can continue on the way you are" He said calmly

"What?" I said confused

"The series of events are what happened before and during the time you were alive. You were given the ability to see everything what was happy and exciting along with the dark times. Now is your choice"

"You could either continue with this time line of ups and downs or.... You could choose to alter this time line which will reset from the first memory you saw to the last memory you remember" Will explained calmly

"Soo in other words I can change what happens? From when im born-"

"No, from when your parents met to the last memory you have. In this case it was when the bullet Stanford shot you and you passed out" He corrected.

"Ok.. So basically, I could change how my parents met, or change Fords view of the two?, or change if he dies earlier? or-"

"Yes... You can change what you want. However, changing the time line will cause a difference in your life and others. Like most people say, if you change the past it could alter your future in this timeline. If you choose to change it you will see the ups and down of the new timeline. Nothing will be the way you expected it to be" He says warning me

"Hmm... So I could change my childhood right?" I said as I looked at the memories i saw that Will pulled up when warning me

"You could"

I didn't know what came over me... I know i shouldn't but it was tempting

"Alright. I want to change it" I said determined. He nodded slowly before grinning

It threw me off of course. Soon he disappeared and i fell. I panicked as i continued to fall before landing in a black chair. I saw T.V screens along with a keyboard

They all lit up and i felt hands on my shoulder

"You are now the puppet master. You choose what happens now" Will said calmly

and soon i got to changing a few things

~~Time Skip~~

Once i finished changing what i wanted the room changed.. Now i truly didn't know what i got my self into

The chair i sat on disappeared and i fell once again into darkness

"Good luck on your new time line" Will said. His face was so close to mine. The last thing i saw was his grin that made me fear what i just did

~~~~~~~~~~~Time Backwards??~~~~~~~~

*A: holds up clock while turning the hands backwards for dramatic affect, "Ooo~"**

Dippers POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I woke up panicking. I held where my heart was as i felt it pounding on my chest

It was just a nightmare

The future has changed

I looked around for the voice i just heard. It felt dark and cold

**A/N- Okay so i think it will be a bit confusing right now. So basically Aaron 'changed' the time line he lives. And right now we went back in time to when Dipper was in high school and first met Bill. Got it? great!

Anyways im going to end this chapter here. So i hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! honestly didn't plan it to get here but here we are also sorry for the late update. And ill see you guys next chapter


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