Family Trouble?

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Dippers POV~~~~~~~~~

I got up and got ready for school. I wore a silver triangle necklace a certain demon got me. I smiled a little as I looked at it in the mirror. I headed downstairs for breakfast

"Hey Bro-bro" Mabel said happily. She was getting a cup of Mabel juice for herself

"Hey Mabel. You know that juice isn't good for you right?" I said as I got an apple from the fruit basket

"What do you mean? I'm perfectly fine! Besides it gives me a boost of energy and since we're going to school im gonna need it" She said as she started chugging it down. I rolled my eyes

I heard the door to the vending machine open and I quickly hid the necklace

"Good morning kids. Getting ready for school I hope" Ford said as he entered the kitchen

"Yup. Grunkle stan said he was going to make sure to get us there fast and early" Mabel said proudly. Ford made a worry and disgusted face upon hearing her say that

"I think I should take you guys instead" He said fixing his glasses

"Nope, you need to stay and work on your big project remember. Besides Stans driven us places before so we're ready for whatever. We've even practiced what to say incase a cop pulls us over" Mabel said again happily. I chuckled a little at the memory

"Well, I just want you guys to be safe. Who knows what my brothers gonna get you two into" Ford said a little worried still

"We'll be fine, besides the schools not that far so what could he get us into anyways" I said calmly. I grabbed my bag before leaving to the car

But before I could get out the door I felt someone pull me back

"Dipper whats that?" Ford said as he pointed to the silver chain. I pulled my navy sweater hiding it

"Nothing. Just a necklace" I said calmly before turning back around. This time he grabbed the chain from behind my neck

"Argh" I tried getting stopping the chain from choking me but Ford let go of it quickly

"Why is that- oh I see... Did Bill give you this" He said surprisingly calm

"Maybe" I said quietly. He looked at the silver triangle with a yellow stone in the middle. Instead of getting yelled at or given some kind of lesson about how its bad for me to wear this or whatever he just walked away calmly. I looked at him confused as he left

"Just watch yourself. Don't do anything you aren't comfortable with" Was the last thing he told me before he left through the door

I stood there shocked before Mabel dragged me out of the shack

"That was weird" Mabel said quietly. I nodded agreeing

We got in the car as Stan soon left the shack as well. We made our way to school while Mabel made small talk with Stan I sat in the back wondering what just happened

~~~Time Skip~~~~

I sat down under my favorite tree at the back of the school. I sat down doing homework I forgot to do before my next class.

"Hey pinetree~" I heard. I looked up to see Bill floating upside down with a grin

"Hey Bill" I said with a smile. I continued to work on home work

"Whats with you? You seem less.... pinetree-like?" He said sitting down next to me

"What does that mean?" I said confused

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