Chapter 1

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Alice Hughes' POV

I don't know what happened but all I knew was that I have been saved by this gorgeous specimen who was staring at me like I was his prey. He just stood there with his hands around my waist as I was dipping slightly as if we're doing the waltz dance together.

"Can you stand up?" He asked. I blinked at him. That deep, baritone voice that almost made me undone was doing something to my insides as my stomach fluttered. Then, I was staring into his eyes. Those eyes, shining like rubies might under the moonlight.

I had fallen in love at the first sight with this man.

"What?" I said quietly, not sure if he could hear me. My voice was like a whisper when I tried to speak to him, perhaps because of the event that was a moment ago before I was saved. I cleared my throat before I spoke again. "What?" I asked him.

"Can you stand properly on your feet or do you need me to help you out?" He said as he looked at me, annoyed with my deaf hearing. I was stunned by his change of personality as I was blinking my eyes. Yup, I was definitely had not fallen in love with this man, considering his rude and arrogant attitude.

I scoffed as I was untangling myself from his arms. His warm, big arms. "Well, sorry if I bother you then," I said before I stood on my own feet. The beautiful stranger just arched his eyebrow at me before I dusted off some dirt on my butt.

"What's your name?" He asked when we were in silence for a while. I was glaring at him, making sure that I will not be social with him. How dare he wanted to be civilized with me when merely seconds ago, he was annoyed with me! I tossed my hair behind my shoulder as I put my hands on my hips, standing in front of him. He was looking at me up and down before settling his eyes on my lips.

"And why should I tell you that?" I asked him as I narrowed my eyes at him. The stranger snapped his eyes back to my eyes before he scoffed at my rudeness. Yeah, take that you douchebag, I mused myself as he turned around, getting away from the cemetery while mumbling to himself something like he saved me and I don't be grateful. "Hey! I can hear you!" I shouted at him as I looked at his disappearing figure.

He glanced over his shoulder to look at me with his ruby eyes that were shining under the moonlight. "Good!" the stranger shouted back before he disappeared into the dark forest, leaving me alone in the eerie cemetery as the fogs were circling around me. I sighed as I was warming my arms to get some heat going before I tried to remember how I got to the cemetery.

"I must be close to the Halloween party then. I just have to find my way back to that house," I mumbled before I made my steps into the unknown, not showing any fear for I had survived the dreadful encounter of my college life.

After I dragged myself through brambles and shrubberies, I saw the house across the streets. I crossed the road and when I got inside the house once again, everyone was wasted. The reek of alcoholic drinks and weeds were smothering me. There were red cups of punch as well as some beer cans and wine bottles everywhere while I tried to locate my best friend. "Nora?" I called across the house as I went from room to room, opening door after door to search for her.

"Shut up, will you?!" Some of the drunkards were telling me to stay quiet as they were having a huge headache. Some had passed out in various states of clothing as well as nude. Glad I was not on that boat, I mused to myself as I can imagine if my parents found out if I ever touched any alcoholic drinks and drugs.

"Nora?" I asked for one last time before I spotted her on the couch. Thankfully she was fully dressed and seemed to be snoring. I chuckled as I can only assure you that Nora was the only person that can sleep at a house party. I went to the couch and stopped in front of her, shaking her to wake up. She popped her eyes open before smiling at me.

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